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Tuesday, January 1, 2013


 Commercial Global Data Research
Consultant – Survey – Research – Report
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Indonesia and English Version

Garis Besar Isi Buku

Outline of Book Contents


Pelanggan yang kami cintai!  Salam sejahtera.
Semoga kita semua ada dalam lindungan Tuhan!

Latar Belakang Commercial Global Data Research (CDR) 

Kami adalah sebuah lembaga Konsultan, Survey, Riset dan Pelaporan di bidang data riset secara global, menyajikan berbagai informasi bisnis aktual yang meliputi sektor industri manufaktur, pertambangan, perbankan, asuransi, profil perusahaan, studi kelayakan, dan jasa riset lainnya.

Kami hadir sebagai mitra konsultan Anda, untuk memberikan informasi aktual yang Anda perlukan guna menentukan arah kebijakan dalam mengembangkan perusahaan Anda.  Salah satu produk buku studi yang kami tawarkan kepada Anda adalah: “BUKU STUDI TENTANG KONDISI PASAR DAN PROSPEK INDUSTRI MINUMAN ISOTONIK DI INDONESIA, 2013”.

Kami tawarkan Buku tersebut kepada Anda seharga Rp. 5.500.000 (Lima juta lima ratus ribu rupiah) atau US$ 550, guna membantu para pelaku bisnis pada Industri Minuman Isotonik, membantu para Investor, membantu pihak Perbankan atau Kreditor, dan pihak lainnya yang terkait, dengan cara melihat peta kekuatan diantara para pesaing/partner Anda, baik pesaing dari luar negeri maupun dalam negeri, mempelajari perkembangan Ekspor dan Impor produk Minuman Isotonik di Indonesia, mengetahui hambatan dan peluang bagi perusahaan yang kondisinya berfluktuasi, mengetahui Main Market dari setiap perusahaan Minuman Isotonik, mengetahui pangsa pasar luar negeri, mengetahui susunan Direktur dan Komisaris, serta informasi lainnya yang perlu Anda ketahui. (terlampir contoh Profil Perusahaan).

Seberapa besar kontribusi perusahaan Anda dalam meningkatkan kapasitas produksi guna memenuhi pesanan dari para konsumen baik lokal maupun internasional, mencermati setiap peluang yang ada, dan diharapkan dengan memiliki buku ini, perusahaan Anda menjadi lebih produktif, efisien, lebih maju dan bersaing secara sehat.

Kata Pengantar

Saat ini minuman isotonik sedang berkembang pesat di Indonesia pada khususnya, dan di seluruh dunia pada umumnya. Minuman isotonik adalah minuman yang dilengkapi vitamin, berfungsi menggantikan cairan tubuh yang terbuang atau hilang karena aktivitas, sehingga mampu mengembalikan kesegaran tubuh manusia.

Cairan dalam tubuh manusia normal membutuhkan cairan dengan jumlah rata-rata 2.000 sampai 2.500 ml untuk menggantikan cairan yang keluar melalui pernafasan, keringat dan urin. Namun jika tubuh melakukan kerja fisik yang terlampau berat atau sedang diare, jumlah cairan yang keluar pun semakin banyak. Tentu saja akibatnya tubuh menjadi lemah dan mengalami dehidrasi, sehingga tubuh lebih membutuhkan cairan pengganti. Jika tidak terpenuhi, metabolisme tubuh pun menjadi menurun dan mengganggu proses pencernaan, penyerapan zat-zat gizi, hingga temperatur tubuh yang tidak stabil.

Bagaimana dengan air putih biasa sebagai penggantinya? Ternyata cairan ini belum mampu menggantikan cairan tubuh dan elektrolit yang hilang atau keluar dari tubuh manusia.

Elektrolit sendiri merupakan larutan garam yang penting bagi tubuh. Jika tidak ada larutan ini, air putih tidak akan terserap sempurna dan menimbulkan efek dehidrasi pada tubuh. Karena air kurang cukup memenuhi kebutuhan tubuh, timbulah minuman isotonik yang komposisinya dirancang dengan tekanan osmotik sama dengan tekanan darah tubuh manusia. Minuman isotonik ini bisa menggantikan cairan tubuh, energi, sampai elektrolit tubuh yang hilang.

Komposisi isotonik 98 persen berupa air, 2 persen lainnya berupa ion Natrium Klorida, Kalium Fosfat, Magnesium Sitrat, dan Kalsium Laktat. Fungsi ion-ion ini dapat menggantikan elektrolit tubuh yang hilang. Minuman isotonik juga baik berfungsi sebagai oralit bagi penderita diare, karena tidak mengandung gula. Cairan isotonik ini ternyata juga ampuh untuk mengatasi sariawan dan tenggorokan kering.

Latar Belakang

Penjualan minuman isotonik mencapai Rp. 4,2 triliun Tahun 2012

Nilai penjualan minuman isotonik di dalam negeri diprediksi mencapai Rp 4,2 triliun pada 2012, naik 20% dibandingkan tahun lalu sekitar Rp 3,5 triliun. Kenaikan itu terjadi seiring dengan meningkatnya permintaan masyarakat terhadap produk tersebut.

Ketua Umum Asosiasi Industri Minuman Ringan (ASRIM), Farchad Poeradisastra mengatakan, industri minuman isotonik menikmati pertumbuhan bisnisnya. "Bisnis ini terus tumbuh, rata-rata 20% per tahun," kata Farchad di Jakarta.

Farchad mengatakan, peningkatan bisnis minuman isotonik lebih tinggi dibandingkan pertumbuhan industri minuman di dalam negeri yang sekitar 15% per tahun. Saat ini, bisnis minuman isotonik baru mewakili kurang dari 10% seluruh nilai bisnis minuman nasional.

Beberapa merek minuman isotonik yang beredar di pasar domestik adalah Pocari Sweat (PT Amerta Indah Otsuka), Mizone (Danone), Vitazone (Mayora), Mari Sweat (PT Ulam Tiba Halim), Powerade Isotonik (PT Coca Cola Indonesia), dan lain-lain. Produk-produk tersebut dipasarkan dengan berbagai jenis kemasan, seperti sachet dan kaleng, serta dengan target pasar terbagi, mulai dari anak-anak hingga dewasa.

Menurutnya, minuman isotonik bersama minuman sari buah, kopi, dan susu siap saji dengan kontribusi sekitar 3% dari pasar minuman ringan nasional. Produk minuman yang mendominasi adalah Air Minum Dalam Kemasan (AMDK) dengan porsi hingga 84%. Produk lainnya yaitu minuman berkarbonasi siap saji memiliki pangsa pasar 4%, dan teh siap saji 9%.

Saat ini industri minuman isotonik menghadapi tantangan terkait diterbitkannya Peraturan Kepala Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan (BPOM) tentang Pengawasan Minuman Olahraga Endurance. Berdasarkan draf regulasi yang dikomunikasikan ke industri, BPOM menyalahartikan definisi minuman isotonik.

ASRIM menekankan, bahwa minuman isotonik bukanlah minuman energi. BPOM dinilai menyalahartikan definisi tersebut, sehingga mengatur minuman isotonik sebagai minuman yang hanya bisa dikonsumsi setelah berolahraga berat.

"Padahal, minuman isotonik bisa diminum meski hanya bermain catur. Isotonik dengan energy drink atau sport drink berbeda komposisi. Pengaturan BPOM ini akan merusak tatanan yang sudah ada, dan pada ujungnya akan mengganggu bisnis yang nilainya sudah mencapai Rp 3,5 triliun tahun lalu," ungkap Farchad.

Dia berharap, akan ada pertemuan dengan BPOM untuk membahas hal itu. Saat ini, pelaku industri isotonik tengah mempersiapkan sejumlah data pendukung untuk menolak peraturan tersebut." Mumpung masih draf, kami menolak aturan itu disahkan," tegas Farchad.

Dia menjelaskan, secara kandungan, minuman isotonik terdiri atas air, gula, dan elektrolit. Minuman isotonik tidak mengandung kafein, sedangkan minuman energy drink biasanya mengandung kafein dan karbohidrat atau gula dengan takaran tinggi. Adanya kandungan tersebut bertujuan meningkatkan sistem syaraf pusat untuk membuat orang tetap terjaga dan memiliki tambahan energi yang dapat membuat orang kuat beraktivitas dalam jangka waktu lama."Jelas isotonik tidak sama dengan energy drink dan sport drink endurance," kata Farchad.

Sementara itu Farchad optimis, kenaikan harga Bahan Bakar Minyak (BBM) tidak akan berdampak signifikan terhadap konsumsi minuman ringan di dalam negeri. Meski diakui, perilaku konsumen akan sedikit berubah.

"Intinya adalah pilihan. Konsumen akan memilih, produk mana yang bakal dikonsumsi berdasarkan kemampuan finansialnya," kata Farchad.

Farchad menilai, produsen akan mempertimbangkan banyak faktor sebelum menaikkan harga, yakni terkait harga bahan baku, kemasan, hingga fluktuasi kurs. "Banyak faktor yang diperhitungkan produsen. Tidak otomatis langsung naik begitu harga BBM naik," kata Farchad.

Dirjen Industri Agro Kementerian Perindustrian (KEMENPERIN), Benny Wachyudi sebelumnya mengatakan, peningkatan harga BBM tidak akan berdampak signifikan terhadap industri makanan dan minuman (Mamin). Namun, kenaikan itu akan lebih berdampak ke konsumen.

1.1.      Latar Belakang
1.2.      Iklim tropis di Indonesia turut mendukung produk Beverages
1.3.      Persepsi masyarakat terhadap minuman Isotonik meningkat
1.4.      Perkembangan produksi, ekspor impor dan suplai minuman Isotonik
1.5.      Volume dan nilai pasar produsen minuman isotonik, 2012          

2.1.     Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan I-2012
  2.1.1.    Nilai PDB menurut lapangan usaha Triwulan I-2011, Triwulan IV-2011, 
               dan  Triwulan I-2012
  2.1.2.    Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Triwulan I-2012
  2.1.3.    Struktur PDB menurut lapangan usaha Triwulan I-2012            
  2.1.4.    PDB menurut pengeluaran Triwulan I-2012
  2.1.5.    Profil Spasial Perekonomian Indonesia menurut
               Kelompok Provinsi Triwulan I-2012
2.2.      Perkembangan Indeks Harga Konsumen / Inflasi
   2.2.1.    Uraian menurut Kelompok Pengeluaran
   2.2.2.    Perbandingan Inflasi Tahunan
   2.2.3.    Inflasi Komponen Inti Mei 2012
2.3.      Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan II-2012
   2.3.1.    Besaran PDB atas dasar harga berlaku dan harga konstan 2000 Triwulan I dan II-2012
   2.3.2.    Struktur PDB menurut lapangan usaha Triwulan I dan II Tahun 2011-2012
   2.3.3.    PDB menurut pengeluaran Triwulan II-2012
   2.3.4.    Profil Spasial Ekonomi Indonesia menurut Kelompok Provinsi Triwulan II-2012
   2.3.5.    Perkembangan Indeks Harga Perdagangan Besar
2.4.       Perkembangan Ekspor dan Impor Indonesia Juni 2012
2.5.       Pertambahan penduduk di Indonesia semakin memprihatinkan, tetapi menjanjikan!
2.6.       Pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia tahun 2013 diperkirakan
             tumbuh 6,8%

3.1.       Tingkat kebutuhan konsumsi minuman Isotonik
3.2.       Peranan cairan pada tubuh manusia
3.3.       Komposisi minuman Isotonik 240-349 mOsm
3.4.       Komponen minuman isotonik
3.5.       Manfaat minuman Isotonik
3.6.       Efek kesehatan minuman isotonik
3.7.       Minuman Isotonik dikhususkan bagi para atlet dan pekerja keras
3.8.       Sebaiknya konsumsi minuman Isotonik secara teratur

4.1.      Pentingkah minuman isotonik dan berenergi?
4.2.       Mengapa kita perlu minuman Isotonik?
4.3.       Proses pengolahan air pada minuman Isotonik
4.4.       Bahan pengawet natrium benzoat dalam minuman isotonik
4.5.       Pemakaian natrium benzoat dalam minuman Isotonik
4.6.       Penanggulangan terhadap dampak pemakaian Natrium Benzoat
4.7.       Langkah memilih makanan yang aman untuk dikonsumsi
4.8.       Distributor kalsium karbonat di Indonesia

5.1.       Fungsi dan peranan kemasan
    5.1.1.    Klasifikasi kemasan
5.2.       Kemasan plastik
    5.2.1.    Potensi migrasi bahan kimia dari kemasan plastik pada pangan dan efeknya 
                 terhadap kesehatan
    5.2.2.    Penggunaan plastik yang aman
     5.2.3.    Pengenalan berbagai jenis kemasan plastik
5.3.       Kemasan kaleng
5.4.       Kemasan gelas
    5.4.1.    Sejarah perkembangan gelas
    5.4.2.    Karakteristik kimia dan fisik
5.5.       Analisa kompetitor kemasan
5.6.       Peluang usaha industri kemasan


7.1.       Minuman Isotonik semakin digemari masyarakat
7.2.       Penjualan minuman isotonik ditargetkan tumbuh 15%-20%
7.3.       Pocari Sweat mendominasi pasar minuman Isotonik
    7.3.1.    Market size Pocari Sweat tahun 2011 mencapai lebih dari Rp 2 triliun
    7.3.2.    Bukti konkrit kepedulian PT AIO terhadap lingkungan
    7.3.3.    Kontribusi Pocari Sweat bagi Indonesia
7.4.       Konsumsi minuman berkarbonasi di Indonesia baru 33 liter per kapita per tahun
    7.4.1.    Prospek dan tren industri minuman di Indonesia 2012
7.5.       Profil beberapa merek minuman isotonik di Indonesia
    7.5.1.    Pocari Sweat
    7.5.2.    Mizone
    7.5.3.    Vitazone
    7.5.4.    Powerade Isotonik
    7.5.5.    Fatigon Hydro    Strategi Fatigon Hydro menembus pasar Minuman Isotonik
     7.5.6.    7Up Revive
     7.5.7.    Zporto (Peluang dan tantangan bagi Zporto)
     7.5.8.    Aquasiat
     7.5.9.    YOU C 1000
     7.5.10.  Gatorade
     7.5.11.  Viton isotonic drink
     7.5.12.  L-Men IsoPower
     7.5.13.  ProSweat
     7.5.14.  Kratingdaeng
     7.5.15.  Hemaviton
     7.5.16.  Fit-Up
     7.5.17.  M-150
     7.5.18.  Extra Joss
7.6.       Minuman isotonik versus minuman energy
    7.6.1.    Market size minuman Isotonik dan Energy Drink
    7.6.2.    Daftar minuman energi impor
7.7.       Penjualan minuman ringan sentuh Rp 200 triliun
7.8.       100 Plus, ramaikan pasar minuman isotonik Indonesia
7.9.       Strategi pemasaran minuman isotonic
    7.9.1.    Pocari Sweat
    7.9.2.    Mizone
7.10.     Menggempur pasar minuman Isotonik dengan kampanye kreatif
7.11.     Analisa pasar minuman isotonik
    7.11.1.  Analisa konsumen dan tren pasar
    7.11.2.  Analisa SWOT
    7.11.3.  Analisa situasi
7.12.     Kino Sweat, hasil pemikiran seorang innovator
    7.12.1.  Kino Sweat
    7.12.2.  Persaingan bisnis Kino di pasaran
    7.12.3. Kinosentra inovasi ciptakan produk berkualitas
    7.12.4.  Coverage Kino Sweat di pasar baru mencapai 15-20%
7.13.     Vitazone bidik konsumen peminum baru
7.14.     Persaingan yang ketat, singkirkan beberapa produsen isotonik
7.15.     Belanja iklan minuman terus meningkat
7.16.     Prospek minuman isotonik air kelapa
    7.16.1.  Ekonomis dan menguntungkan
    7.16.2.       Potensi pengembangan
    7.16.3.  Dapatkah air kelapa menjadi trend di Indonesia?
    7.16.4.  Air kelapa muda sebagai minuman isotonik alami
7.17.     Strategi Sido MunculMe Too Vitamin C
7.18.     Tujuh produsen makanan dan minuman serta farmasi lakukan ekspansi dan akuisisi senilai 
             3,5 Triliun Rupiah
    7.18.1.  Tantangan Ekspansi
    7.18.2.  Persaingan ketat
7.19.     Peta persaingan minuman isotonik (Mizone pesaing utama Pocari Sweat)
7.20.     Penjualan Marimas terus meningkat
7.21.     Ekspor minuman isotonik bervitamin masih kecil
7.22.     Pentingnya pemilihan Flavor untuk produk Minuman
    7.22.1.  Perkembangan minuman berflavor dewasa ini
    7.22.2.  Rambu-rambu teknis aplikasi perisa untuk produk Minuman
    7.22.3.  Tantangan dalam penggunaan flavor untuk produk minuman
7.23.     Tinjauan pasar Coca Cola Amatil (CCA)
    7.23.1.  Pergeseran terus satu paket cara mencerminkan preferensi konsumen
    7.23.2.  Rasa baru pada PET Tea and Juice telah mendorong pertumbuhan
    7.23.3.  Kemasan / Inovasi rasa pada PET CSD menimbulkan pertumbuhan berkelanjutan
    7.23.4.  Air sangat penting, memungkinkan untuk melengkapi portofolio minuman CCA
    7.23.5.  Inovasi baru
    7.23.6.  Visi bersama selaras dan rencana pemasaran untuk Indonesia dengan TCCC
    7.23.7.  CCA terus mendominasi landscape saluran ritel modern
    7.23.8.  Peluang untuk memperluas ke basis perdagangan umum
    7.23.9.  Penempatan minuman dingin terus dilakukan secara agresif
7.24.     Tinjauan logistik Coca-Cola Amatil
    7.24.1.  Tantangan signifikan bagi setiap pemain di pasar Indonesia
    7.24.2.  Produksi & logistik jaringan membuat CCA sebagai pemimpin di FMCG
    7.24.3.  Produksi yang sangat kompleks dan jaringan logistic
7.25.     Tinjauan manufaktur CCA
    7.25.1.  Fasilitas manufaktur minuman kelas Dunia didirikan
    7.25.2.  Injection molding
    7.25.3.  Membangun kemandirian dan mitigasi risiko
7.26.     Tinjauan pertumbuhan Coca-Cola Amatil
7.27.     Indonesia, pasar yang menjanjikan untuk Industri minuman
    7.27.1.  Jenis minuman yang dikonsumsi orang Indonesia
    7.27.2.  Pasar yang menjanjikan
    7.27.3.  Urbanisasi
7.28.     PT. Bintang Toedjoe menjadi tolok ukur bagi perusahaan lain
7.29.     Bentuk umum kemasan minuman isotonik
7.30.     Melihat konsumsi per kapita minuman sari buah
7.31.     Melihat produksi dan konsumsi Air Minum Dalam Kemasan di Indonesia
7.32.     Melihat volume penjualan air minuman kemasan di Indonesia
7.33.     Daftar harga aneka minuman di Indonesia, 2012
7.34.     Tinjauan pasar, bisnis, keuangan dan aksi korporasi KALBE

8.1.       Struktur Pasar
8.2.       Perilaku pasar
8.3.       Kondisi pasar industri minuman kesehatan
8.4.       Perilaku para pemain dalam perspektif permainan teori
8.5.       Strategi penetapan harga

9.1.       Pasar Amerika Serikat
    9.1.1.    Perkembangan global industri minuman ringan
    9.1.2.    Tahun 2013, trend untuk industri makanan dan minuman
    9.1.3.    Yang terbaik dari minuman olahraga di Amerika Serikat
    9.1.4.    Powerade Zero, Penjualan minuman olahraga non-aseptik meningkat 6,8 persen
    9.1.5.    Minuman energi: Penilaian ukuran pasar, demografi konsumen, profil bahan, fungsi,
                 dan peraturan di AS Ukuran pasar Target populasi Dampak perilaku konsumsi minuman energi Keselamatan dan peraturan Perspektif
   9.1.6.    Pembagian pasar Minuman ringan di Amerika Latin
   9.1.7.    Indeks pertumbuhan karbonat di Amerika Latin
   9.1.8.    10 Minuman olahraga non-aseptik dan nilai penjualannya di Amerika Serikat, 2012
9.2.       Pasar India
   9.2.1.    Coca-Cola mendapat sambutan untuk minuman energi di pasar India
   9.2.2.    Minuman olahraga - sebuah Emerging Market
   9.2.3.    Peluang dan tantangan Peluang dan tantangan Indian sports drink marketopminuman olahraga di pasar India
9.3.       Pasar Kanada
   9.3.1.    Asosiasi Minuman Kanada mendukung regs minuman energi baru
   9.3.2.    Kualitas dan karakteristik minuman ringan di Kanada
   9.3.3.    Makanan dan minuman Indonesia jajal pasar Kanada
9.4.      Pasar Perancis
   9.4.1.    Trend
   9.4.2.    Red Bull dan Coca Cola kuasai pasar minuman di Perancis
   9.4.3.    Prospek
9.5.       Pasar Swedia
    9.5.1.    Konsumen perempuan target inovasi minuman energi di Swedia
    9.5.2.    Penjualan minuman ringan di Swedia mencapai $ 3 miliar pada tahun 2010
9.6.       Pasar Inggris
   9.6.1.    Statistik konsumsi minuman ringan per sektor, 2005-2011
   9.6.2.    Komitmen jangka panjang Perusahaan Coca-Cola
   9.6.3.    Statistik konsumsi minuman ringan di Inggris, 2005-2011
   9.6.4.    Statistik konsumsi botol air di Inggris, 2005-2011
   9.6.5.    Statistik konsumsi karbonat di Inggris, 2005-2011
   9.6.6.    Statistik konsumsi dilutables di Inggris, 2005-2011
   9.6.7.    Statistik konsumsi jus buah dan smoothie di Inggris, 2005-2011
   9.6.8.    Statistik konsumsi still dan jus minuman di Inggris, 2005-2011
   9.6.9.    Statistik konsumsi minuman olahraga dan energi di Inggris, 2005-2011
9.7.       Top 10 pemasaran Vodka dengan perkiraan pertumbuhan mutlak melawan peringkat 
             minuman energi Global
9.8.       Pasar industri minuman dunia, berdasarkan CAGR, 2005-2010 (%)
9.9.       Industri makanan olahan dan minuman di Hong Kong, 2012
   9.9.1.    Fitur Industri
   9.9.2.   Kinerja ekspor makanan olahan dan minuman di Hong Kong
   9.9.3.   Sales ChannelsSaluran penjualan
   9.9.3.   Trend industry
   9.9.4.   Top 15 Impor makanan dan minuman di Hong Kong
   9.9.5.   General Trade Measures Affecting Exports of Processed Food and BeveragesPersyaratan perdagangan global, mempengaruhi kinerja ekspor makanan olahan dan minuman
   9.9.6.   Trend produk

10.1.     Pertumbuhan-Sisi Permintaan
10.2.     Pertumbuhan-Sisi Penawaran
10.3.     Moneter dan Nilai Tukar
10.4.     Bank Indonesia perkirakan pertumbuhan ekonomi 2013 maksimal 6,3%

11.1.     Perkembangan Ekspor Minuman menurut Komoditi, 2008-2012
11.2.     Perkembangan Ekspor Minuman menurut Bulan, 2012
11.3.     Perkembangan Ekspor Minuman menurut Pelabuhan, 2012
11.4.     Perkembangan Ekspor Minuman menurut Negara, 2012
11.5.     Perkembangan impor minuman menurut komoditi, 2008-2012
11.6.     Perkembangan Impor Minuman menurut Pelabuhan, 2012
11.7.     Perkembangan Impor Minuman menurut Bulan, 2012
11.8.     Perkembangan Impor Minuman menurut Negara, 2012
11.9.     Perkembangan ekspor beverages Indonesia menurut HS Code
11.10.   Perkembangan impor beverages Indonesia menurut HS Code

12.1. Pertumbuhan PDB Indonesia sangat kuat dan konsisten, rata-rata 5,9% selama 5 tahun terakhir dan diperkirakan lebih dari 6% pada 2013
12.2. Stabilitas politik dan agenda reformasi Indonesia positif telah menarik investasi asing secara signifikan
12.3. Selama 5 tahun terakhir jumlah konsumen 'AB' telah berlipat ganda menjadi 48m dan populasi konsumen 'C' telah berkembang menjadi lebih dari 100m
12.4. 30%, atau lebih 70m, konsumen Indonesia usia 12-29 tahun merupakan grup kunci konsumsi minuman ringan
12.5. Hubungan langsung antara pendapatan dan peningkatan konsumsi per kapita pada minuman komersial
12.6. Pasar Minuman Indonesia komersial skala besar berkembang kuat (12% CAGR)
12.7. Tahun 2012, Pertumbuhan volume industri datang dari minuman isotonik, air kemasan dan jus
12.8. Konsumen Indonesia memiliki akses ke berbagai macam Minuman
12.9. Kompetitif kesamping (landscape) banyak pesaing pada kategori yang spesifik, sedikit pemain besar pada minuman beragam

13.1.     Kesimpulan
13.2.     Saran
13.3.     Prospek 5 tahun ke depan

Produsen Minuman Isotonik dan Minuman Energy Drink



Our customers love! Peace.
May we all have the divine protection!

Background of Commercial Global Data Research (CDR)

We are an agency consultant, Survey, Research and Reporting in the areas of global research data, presenting a variety of actual business information sector includes manufacturing, mining, banking, insurance, company profiles, feasibility studies, and other research services.

We present you as a partner consultant, to provide the actual information you need to determine the direction of policy in developing your business. One of the products we offer study book for you is: "STUDY ON THE MARKET CONDITIONS AND PROSPECTS OF ISOTONIC DRINKS INDUSTRY IN INDONESIA, 2013”.

We offer these books to you for Rp. 5,500,000 (Five million and five hundred thousand rupiahs) or U.S. $ 550, to help businesses in Isotonic Drinks Industry, helping investors, helping the banks or creditors, and other parties involved, by looking at the map of power among its competitors / your partner, whether competitors from abroad and within the country, studying the development of the Export and Import products Isotonic Drinks in Indonesia, knowing the obstacles and opportunities for companies whose condition fluctuates, knowing the Main Market of any company Isotonic Drinks, knowing the worldwide markets, knowing composition of Directors and Commissioners, as well as the other information you need to know. (Example attached Company Profiles).

How big is your company's contribution in increasing production capacity to meet orders from consumers both locally and internationally, looking at every opportunity, and it is hoped to have this book, your company become more productive, efficient, more advanced and compete fairly.

Currently isotonic drinks is growing rapidly in Indonesia in particular, and the world at large. Isotonic beverage is a drink that has vitamins, function replaces body fluids are wasted or lost due to the activity, so as to restore the freshness of the human body.

The liquid in the normal human body needs fluids to the amount of an average of 2,000 to 2,500 ml to replace the fluid that comes out through respiration, sweat and urine. But if the body perform physical labor too severe or moderate diarrhea, the amount of fluid that comes out even more and more. Of course, as a result the body becomes weak and dehydrated, so the body needs fluid replacement. If not met, the body's metabolism becomes down and interfere with digestion, absorption of nutrients, to an unstable body temperature.

What about plain water instead? Apparently this fluid has not been able to replace fluids and electrolytes lost or out of the human body.

Electrolyte itself is a salt solution that is important for the body. If there is no solution, the water will not be absorbed perfectly and dehydrating effect on the body. Due to lack of sufficient water to meet the needs of the body, whose composition arose isotonic drinks are designed with the same osmotic pressure of the blood pressure of the human body. Isotonic drinks can replace fluids, energy, until the electrolytes lost body.

The composition of isotonic 98 percent in the form of water, such as 2 percent Sodium Chloride ion, Potassium Phosphate, Magnesium Citrate, and Calcium Lactate. The function of these ions may replace electrolytes lost body. Isotonic drinks are also well serve as oralit of diarrhea, because it contains no sugar. Isotonic fluid was also powerful to overcome canker sores and sore throat. 

Background Isotonic drink sales reached Rp. 4.2 trillion by 2012 

Isotonic drinks value sales in the country is predicted to reach Rp 4.2 trillion in 2012, up 20% compared to last year of Rp 3.5 trillion. The increase occurred along with increasing public demand for such products.

Chairman of the Soft Drinks Industry Association (ASRIM), Farchad Poeradisastra said isotonic beverage industry enjoyed growth. "The business has grown steadily, averaging 20% ​​per year," said Farchad in Jakarta.

Farchad said business increased isotonic drinks is higher than the growth of the beverage industry in the country which is about 15% per year. Currently, a new isotonic drink business represents less than 10% of the entire national beverage business value.

Some outstanding isotonic drink brand in the domestic market is Pocari Sweat (PT Amrita Indah Otsuka), Mizone (Danone), Vitazone (Mayora), Mari Sweat (PT Ulam Arriving Halim), Powerade Isotonic (PT Coca Cola Indonesia), and others other. These products are marketed under various types of packaging, such as sachets and cans, as well as the target market is divided, ranging from children to adults.

According to him, isotonic drinks with fruit juice, coffee and milk ready meals with a contribution of about 3% of the national soft drink market. Beverage products that dominate the Bottled Drinking Water (mineral water) with a share of up to 84%. Other products are ready-carbonated beverage has a market share of 4%, and 9% of tea ready meals.

Currently isotonic beverage industry challenges related to the issuance of Regulation of the Head of Drug and Food Supervisory Agency (BPOM) regarding Endurance Sports Drinks. Based on the draft regulations are communicated to the industry, BPOM misinterpret the definition of isotonic drinks.

ASRIM emphasized, that is not isotonic energy drinks. BPOM assessed misinterpret the definition, thereby regulating isotonic drinks as a beverage that can only be consumed after strenuous exercise.

"In fact, isotonic drinks can be taken even just playing chess. Isotonic with energy drinks or sport drink different compositions. Settings BPOM will undermine the existing order, and in the end will hurt his business, whose value has reached Rp 3.5 trillion last year, "Farchad said.

He hoped there would be a meeting with the BPOM to discuss it. Currently, the industry is preparing a number of data isotonic supporters to reject the legislation. "While still a draft, we reject the rule is passed," said Farchad.

He explained that, in the womb, isotonic drinks consist of water, sugar, and electrolytes. Isotonic drinks do not contain caffeine, while drinks energy drinks usually contain caffeine and carbohydrates or sugars with a high dose. That it contains aims to improve the central nervous system to make people stay awake and have more energy to make a strong move in the long term.

"Obviously not the same isotonic energy drinks and sports drinks endurance," said Farchad.

Meanwhile Farchad optimistic, rising prices of fuel oil (BBM) will not have a significant impact on the consumption of soft drinks in the country. Although admittedly, consumer behavior will be slightly changed.

"The point is the choice. Consumers will choose, which product would be consumed by financial capabilities," said Farchad.

Farchad rate, producers will consider many factors before raising prices, which is related to the price of raw materials, packaging, to exchange rate fluctuations. "Many factors are considered manufacturers. Not automatically went up as fuel prices rise," said Farchad.

Director General of the Ministry of Agro Industry (Ministry of Industry), Benny Wachyudi previously said, the increase in fuel prices will not have a significant impact on the food and beverage industry (Mamin). However, the increase will be more impact to the consumer.


1.1.      Background
1.2.      Tropical climate in Indonesia contributed to the products Beverages
1.3.      Isotonic drinks people's perception of increased
1.4.      Development of production, import and export supply Isotonic drinks
1.5.      Volume and market value isotonic beverage producers, 2012

2.1.   Indonesia Economic Growth in Quarter I-2012
2.1.1. GDP by economic activities Quarter I-2011, Quarter IV-2011, and First Quarter-2012
2.1.2. Economic Growth in Quarter I-2012
2.1.3. Structure of GDP by economic activities
Quarter I-2012
2.1.4. GDP by expenditure Quarter I-2012
2.1.5. Spatial Profile of Indonesia's economy by Provincial Group Quarter I-2012
2.2.   Developments in the Consumer Price Index / Inflation
2.2.1. Description of Expenditure by Group
2.2.2. Comparison of Annual Inflation
2.2.3. Inflation in May 2012 Core Components
2.3.   Indonesia Economic Growth Quarter-2012
2.3.1. The amount of GDP at current prices and constant prices in 2000 Quarter I and II-2012
2.3.2. Structure of GDP by economic activities and Second Quarter of the Year 2011-2012
2.3.3. GDP by expenditure in Quarter II-2012
2.3.4. Spatial Profile of Indonesia Economic Quarterly Province by Group II-2012
2.3.5. Development of Wholesale Price Index
2.4.   Development of Export and Import Indonesia June 2012
2.5.   Population growth in Indonesia has become a concern, but promising!
2.6.   Indonesia's economic growth in 2013 is estimated grew 6.8%

3.1.      Isotonic drinks consumption levels
3.2.      The role of fluids in the human body
3.3.      Isotonic drinks Composition 240-349 mOsm
3.4.      Components isotonic drinks
3.5.      Benefits of Isotonic drinks
3.6.      Health effects of isotonic drinks
3.7.      Isotonic drinks reserved for athletes and hard workers
3.8.      We recommend regular Isotonic drink consumption

4.1.      Important is isotonic and energy drinks?
4.2.      Why do we need Isotonic drinks?
4.3.      Process water treatment in Isotonic drinks
4.4.      Preservative sodium benzoate in isotonic
4.5.      The use of sodium benzoate in beverages Isotonic
4.6.      Response to the impact of the use of Sodium Benzoate
4.7.      Steps to choose foods that are safe for consumption
4.8.      Distributor of calcium carbonate in Indonesia

5.1.   The function and role of packaging
5.1.1. Classification packaging
5.2.   Plastic Packaging
5.2.1. Potential migration of chemicals from plastic packaging in food and their effects on health
5.2.2. The use of safe plastic
5.2.3. The introduction of various kinds of plastic containers
5.3.   Cans
5.4.   Glass packaging
5.4.1. History of glass
5.4.2. Chemical and physical characteristics
5.5.   Analysis of competitors packaging
5.6.   Industrial packaging business opportunity


7.1.   Isotonic Drinks increasingly popular society
7.2.   Sales isotonic beverage targeted to grow 15% -20%
7.3.   Pocari Sweat Isotonic drinks dominate the market
7.3.1.     Pocari Sweat Market size in 2011 reached more than Rp 2 trillion
7.3.2.     AIO PT concrete evidence concern for the environment
7.3.3.     Pocari Sweat Contribution to Indonesia
7.4.   Consumption of carbonated drinks in Indonesia only 33 liters per capita per year
7.4.1.     Prospects and beverage industry trends in Indonesia 2012
7.5.   Profiles some isotonic drink brand in Indonesia
7.5.1.     Pocari Sweat
7.5.2.     Mizone
7.5.3.     Vitazone
7.5.4.     Powerade Isotonic
7.5.5.     Hydro Fatigon Hydro's strategy to penetrate the market Fatigon Isotonic Drinks
7.5.6.     7Up Revive
7.5.7.     Zporto (Opportunities and challenges for Zporto)
7.5.8.     Aquasiat
7.5.9.     YOU C 1000
7.5.10.   Gatorade
7.5.11.   Viton isotonic drink
7.5.12.   L-Men IsoPower
7.5.13.   ProSweat
7.5.14.   Red Bull
7.5.15.   Hemaviton
7.5.16.   Fit-Up
7.5.17.   M-150
7.5.18.   Extra Joss
7.6.   Isotonic versus energy drinks
7.6.1.     Market size and Isotonic drinks Energy Drink
7.6.2.     List of imported energy drinks
7.7.   Sales of soft drinks touch Rp 200 trillion
7.8.   100 Plus, isotonic drinks market ramaikan Indonesia
7.9.   Isotonic beverage marketing strategy
7.9.1.     Pocari Sweat
7.9.2.     Mizone
7.10. Isotonic drinks market by storm creative campaign
7.11. Isotonic drinks market analysis
7.11.1.   Analysis of consumer and market trends
7.11.2.   SWOT Analysis
7.11.3.   Analysis of the situation
7.12. Kino Sweat, the ideas of an innovator
7.12.1.   Kino Sweat
7.12.2.   Kino business competition in the market
7.12.3.   Kinosentra innovations create quality products
7.12.4.   Coverage Kino Sweat in new markets at 15-20%
7.13. Vitazone consumer crosshairs new drinkers
7.14. Intense competition, get rid of some manufacturers isotonic
7.15. Beverage ad spending continues to rise
7.16. Prospects isotonic drink coconut water
7.16.1.   Economical and profitable
7.16.2.   Potential development
7.16.3.   Can coconut milk be a trend in Indonesia?
7.16.4.   Coconut water as a natural isotonic beverage
7.17. Appears Sido strategy "Me Too Vitamin C"
7.18. Seven manufacturers of food and beverage and pharmaceutical industries to expand and acquisitions worth 3.5 trillion rupiah
7.18.1.   Challenges of Expansion
7.18.2.   Fierce competition
7.19. Competitive landscape isotonic drinks (Mizone major competitors Pocari Sweat)
7.20. Sales continue to rise Marimas
7.21. Export isotonic vitamin young
7.22. The importance of the selection of Flavor for Beverages products
7.22.1.   The development of today's beverage berflavor
7.22.2.   Technical guidelines for product applications Perisa Drinks
7.22.3.   Challenges in the use of flavors for beverage products
7.23. Market Overview Coca Cola Amatil (CCA)
7.23.1.   This shift continues a package way reflect consumer preferences
7.23.2.   New flavors in PET Tea and Juice has encouraged the growth of
7.23.3.   Packaging / Innovation taste in PET CSD raises sustainable grow
7.23.4. Water is very important, it allows for the complete portfolio of beverages CCA
7.23.5. New innovations
7.23.6. Shared vision and marketing plans aligned to Indonesia with TCCC
7.23.7. CCA continues to dominate the landscape of modern retail channels
7.23.8. Opportunities to expand the base of public trading
7.23.9. The placement of cool drinks continue to be aggressive
7.24. Overview logistics Coca-Cola Amatil
7.24.1. Significant challenge for every player in the Indonesian market
7.24.2. Production and logistics network makes CCA as a leader in the FMCG
7.24.3. Production of highly complex and logistic network
7.25. Overview manufacturing CCA
7.25.1. World class beverage manufacturing facility was established
7.25.2. Injection molding
7.25.3. Building self-reliance and risk mitigation
7.26. Overview growth of Coca-Cola Amatil
7.27. Indonesia, a promising market for the drinks industry
7.27.1. Type of beverage consumed Indonesia
7.27.2. Promising market
7.27.3. Urbanization
7.28. PT. Bintang Toedjoe a benchmark for other companies
7.29. The general form of isotonic beverage packaging
7.30. See per capita consumption of fruit drinks
7.31. Seeing the production and consumption of Bottled Drinking Water in Indonesia
7.32. Seeing the sales volume of water beverage packaging in Indonesia
7.33. List price of drinks in Indonesia, 2012
7.34. Market Overview, business, financial and corporate actions KALBE

8.1.   Market Structure
8.2.   Market behavior
8.3.   Health drink industry market conditions
8.4.   The behavior of the players in a game theory perspective
8.5.   Pricing strategy

9.1.   The U.S. market
9.1.1.    The development of global soft drink industry
9.1.2.    In 2013, the trend for the food and beverage industry
9.1.3.    The best of sports drinks in the United States
9.1.4.    Powerade Zero, sales of non-aseptic sports drinks increased by 6.8 percent
9.1.5.    Energy drinks: Assessment of market size, consumer demographics, ingredient profile, function, and regulation in the U.S. The market size Target population The impact of energy drink consumption behavior Safety and regulations Perspective
9.1.6.     Soft drinks market share in Latin America
9.1.7.     Index carbonate growth in Latin America
9.1.8.     10 Sports drinks non-aseptic and its sales in the United States, 2012
9.2.   Indian Market
9.2.1.     Coca-Cola received for energy drinks in the Indian market
9.2.2.     Sports drinks - an Emerging Market
9.2.3.     Opportunities and challenges in the Indian market sports drinks
9.3.   Canadian Markets
9.3.1.     Beverage Association of Canada supports new energy drink regs
9.3.2.     The quality and characteristics of the soft drinks in Canada
9.3.3.     Food and beverage Indonesia try Canadian market
9.4.   French Market
9.4.1.     Trend
9.4.2.     Red Bull and Coca Cola controlled drinks market in France
9.4.3.     Prospect
9.5.   Swedish market
9.5.1.     Innovation targets female consumers of energy drinks in Sweden
9.5.2.     Sales of soft drinks in Sweden reached $ 3 billion in 2010
9.6.   The UK market
9.6.1.     Statistics soft drink consumption by sector, 2005-2011
9.6.2.     Long-term commitment Coca-Cola Company
9.6.3.     Statistics soft drink consumption in the United Kingdom, 2005-2011
9.6.4.     Statistics bottled water consumption in the UK, 2005-2011
9.6.5.     Statistics carbonate consumption in Britain, 2005-2011
9.6.6.     Statistics dilutables consumption in Britain, 2005-2011
9.6.7.     Statistics fruit juice and smoothie consumption in Britain, 2005-2011
9.6.8.     Statistics still and juice drinks consumption in the UK, 2005-2011
9.6.9.     Statistics sports drinks and energy consumption in the UK, 2005-2011
9.7.   Top 10 marketing Vodka with absolute growth forecasts against Global energy drink ratings
9.8.   The beverage market world, based on CAGR, 2005-2010 (%)
9.9.   Processed food and beverage industry in Hong Kong, 2012
9.9.1.     Features Industry
9.9.2.     The export performance of processed foods and beverages in Hong Kong
9.9.3.     Sales channels
9.9.3.     Trend industry
9.9.4.     Top 15 Imports of food and beverages in Hong Kong
9.9.5.     Requirements of global trade, affecting export performance of processed foods and beverages
9.9.6.     Trend products

10.1.     Demand-Side Growth
10.2.     Growth-Supply Side
10.3.     Monetary and Exchange Rate
10.4.     Bank Indonesia predicted 2013 growth of 6.3% maximum

11.1.     Drink Exports by Commodity, 2008-2012
11.2.     Drink Exports by Month, 2012
11.3.     Drink Exports by port, 2012
11.4.     Drink Exports by Country, 2012
11.5.     Development of beverage imports by commodities, 2008-2012
11.6.     Development of Imported Drinks by the Port, 2012
11.7.     Development of Beverage Imports by Month, 2012
11.8.     Development of Beverage Imports by Country, 2012
11.9.     Development of beverages Indonesia exports by HS Code
11.10.    Development of Indonesia imported beverages by HS Code

12.1. Indonesia's GDP growth is very strong and consistent, averaging 5.9% over the last 5 years and is estimated at more than 6% in 2013
12.2. Political stability and positive reform agenda Indonesia has attracted significant foreign investment
12.3. Over the last 5 years the number of consumers 'AB' has doubled to 48m and consumer populations 'C' has grown to more than 100m
12.4. 30%, or 70m, Indonesian consumers age group 12-29 years is the key to soft drink consumption
12.5. Direct relationship between income and consumption per capita increase in commercial beverages
12.6. Drinks Market Indonesia strongly developed large-scale commercial (12% CAGR)
12.7. In 2012, industry volume growth coming from isotonic drinks, bottled water and juices
12.8. Indonesian consumers have access to a wide range of drink
12.9. Competitive horizontally (landscape) - lots of competitors in a specific category, few big players in the beverage varied

13.1.    Conclusion
13.2.    Suggestion
13.3.    Prospects for the next 5 years

Isotonic and Energy Drink Manufacturers



A d d r e s s                      :  MAIN OFFICE
                                            Wisma Pondok Indah 1, Lantai 7
                                            Jl. Sultan Iskandar Muda Kav. V-TA
                                            Jakarta 12310
                                            Phones        : (021) 7697475
                                            Fax.             : (021) 7697472
                                            Site.             :
                                            NORTH BRANCH
                                            Jl. Rawa Gelam I No. 2 Kawasan Industri
                                            Pulogadung Kel. Jatinegara, Kec. Cakung
                                            Jakarta 13930
                                            Phones        : (021) 46824330, 46824494
                                            Fax.             : (021) 4603980
                                            SOUTH BRANCH
                                            Jl. TB Simatupang No. 45A RT/RW 011/02
                                            Kelurahan Susukan, Kecamatan Ciracas
                                            Jakarta Timur
                                            Phones        : (021) 87783145
                                            Fax.             : (021) 87783139
                                            EAST BRANCH
                                            Jl. Cut Meutia Km. 102 No. 25 Sepanjang Jaya
                                            Rawa Lumbu, Bekasi Timur 17114
                                            Phones        : (021) 82416613, 82414815
                                            Fax.             : (021) 82433954
                                            BANDUNG BRANCH
                                            Jl. Terusan Kiara Condong No. 98 B
                                            Bandung - Jawa Barat
                                            Phones        : (022) 7514638, 7514639
                                            Fax.             : (022) 7563344
                                            WEST BRANCH
                                            Jl. Aster Jawa No. 119 Daan Mogot Raya KM 19
                                            Tangerang 15122
                                            Phones        : (021) 54390196, 54395916
                                            Fax.             : (021) 54390197
                                            SURABAYA BRANCH
                                            Jl. Raya Gedangan No. 214
                                            Komplek Puri Surya Jaya Sidoarjo 61254
                                            Phones        : (031) 8012323
                                            Fax.             : (031) 8013154
                                            MEDAN BRANCH
                                            Jl. Gunung Krakatau Ujung
                                            Komplek Krakatau Multi Center Blok F
                                            Medan - Sumatra Utara 20239
                                            Phones        : (061) 6645412
                                            Fax.             : (061) 6641938
                                            SINGAPORE REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE
                                            24 Penjuru Road Cwt Commodity,
                                            Level 1Hub#01-06 Singapore 609128
                                            Phones        : (65) 62653612
                                            Fax.             : (65) 62653612

                                            SUKABUMI FACTORY (2004)
                                            Jl. Raya Siliwangi KM 28 Desa Kutajaya
                                            Kecamatan Cicurug, Kab. Sukabumi 43359
                                            Phones        : (0266) 733700
                                            Fax.             : (0266) 733699
                                            KEJAYAN FACTORY (2010)
                                            Jl. Raya Pasuruan - Malang KM 11
                                            Desa Pacar Keling, Kecamatan Kejayan
                                            Kabupaten Pasuruan 67172
                                            Phones        : (0343) 414200
                                            Fax.             : (0343) 414201
Factory Size                      :  112,480 m2
Contact Person                 :  Mrs. Pratiwi Juniarsih
Date of Establishment        :  1 9 9 7
Date of Operation
Commencement                : 2 0 0 4
Total Investment                :  a. Equity Capital                   - US$   6,100,000
                                            b. Re-invested Profit             - US$      400,000
                                            c. Loan Capital                     - US$   7,700,000
                                            Total Investment                   - US$ 14,200,000
Capitalization                     :  a. Authorized Capital            - US$ 24,000,000
                                            b. Issued Capital                   - US$   6,079,000
                                            c. Paid Up Capital                - US$   6,079,000
Sales Turnover                   : Rp. 2.04 billion
S t a t u s                           : Private Limited Company, Foreign Based Company
C a t e g o r y                    : Foreign Investment Scheme (PMA)
Condition of Company      : G o o d
Line of Business                : Soft Drink Processing and Canning
Products/Services             :  Pocari Sweat and Soyjoy
Type of Products              :  a. Pocari Sweat Powder 15 gr
                                           b. Pocari Sweat PET 350 ml
                                           c. Pocari Sweat PET 500 ml
                                           d. Pocari Sweat 2L
                                           e. Strawberry flavored Soyjoy
Production of Capacity      :  a. Pocari Sweat               – 49,590,000 ltrs p.a.
                                            b. Coffee Esco     –   4,000,000 ltrs p.a.
                                            c. Tea                   –   4,000,000 ltrs p.a.
Size Packaging                  :  Can 330 ml, Pet 350 ml, Aseptic 350 ml,
                                            Pet 2000 ml, Aseptic 900 ml, Aseptic 500 ml,
                                            Pet 500 ml and Sachet 15 gr
Brands                              :  Pocari Sweat
P e r m i t s                        :  a. The President of the Republic Indonesia
                                                No. B-11/Pres/01/1997
                                                Dated 9 January 1997
                                            b. The Capital Investment Coordinating Board
                                                - No. 74/I/PMA/1997, Dated 29 January 1997
                                                - No. 1547/III/PMA/1997, Dated 30 October 1997
                                                - No. 1491/III/PMA/1999, Dated 15 November 1999
                                                - No. 76/III/PMA/2000, Dated 19 January 2000
                                                - No. 82/II/PMA/2003, Dated 17 April 2003
                                                - No.170/II/PMA/2004, Dated 11 October 2004
Total Employees               :  + 326 workers
Main Shareholders /          :  a.   PT OTSUKAJAYA INDAH of Indonesia
Parent company                   b.   PT MERAPI UTAMA PHARMA of Indonesia
                                            c.    PT OTSUKA INDONESIA of Indonesia
                                            d.   PT Masuya Sukses Selaras of Indonesia
                                            e.   Yayasan Kesejahteraan Karyawan
                                                  PT AMERTA INDAH OTSUKA
                                            f.    Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. of Japan
B a n k e r s                      :  a.   The Bank of TOKYO-MITSUBISHI UFJ Ltd.
                                            b.   PT Bank CENTRAL ASIA Tbk.
Associated Companies      :  a.   PT OTSUKAJAYA INDAH
                                            b.   PT MERAPI UTAMA PHARMA
                                            c.    PT OTSUKA INDONESIA
                                            d.   PT MASUYA SUKSES SELARAS
                                            e.   OTSUKA PHARMACEUTICAL Co. Ltd.,
                                                  (Investment Holding)
Main Markets                     :  Domestic & Export (ASEAN, Midle East)
Certificates/Awards            :  ISO 22000:2005 certification, complete the halal
                                            certificate (Certificate Serial Number:
                                            00120044620607) and ISO 9001 which had
                                            earlier had
Supervisory Board             :  a. Chairman                - Mr. Drs. Amir Basir
                                                  b. Member (s)             - Mr. Masayuki Umeno
                                                                                     - Mr. I Wayan Sudanta
                                                                                     - Mr. Drs. Harry Bagyo
Board of Management      :  a. President Director     - Mr. Yoshihiro Bando
                                            b. Director (s)              - Mr. Andreas Kostaman
                                                                               - Mrs. Pratiwi Juniarsih
                                            c. Marketing Manager - Mr. Ricky Suhendar
                                            d. Planning & Analysis Department - Mr. Refrinal
Group                               :  Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

R E M A R K S  :
PT Amerta Indah Otsuka is part of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., A well-known pharmaceutical company in Japan founded in 1989. PT Amerta Indah Otsuka is produce nutraceuticals flagship products are marketed to the targeted marketing strategies and strong distribution network.

And isotonic drinks were introduced commercially in Indonesia initiated by PT Amerta Indah Otsuka in 1989. At that time, isotonic drinks are imported in 330 ml cans. Contract packing done in 1990 (tool manufacturing), and since that Pocari Sweat is produced in Indonesia with a small capacity.

In 1998, Pocari Sweat production capacity increased 3-fold from a year earlier. In 1999 PT Amerta Indah Otsuka stand, and since 2004 Pocari Sweat produced in Sukabumi area - West Java. Now, Pocari Sweat is produced not less 2.4 million bottles and cans of Pocari Sweat each day.

Plant Director PT Amerta Indah Otsuka, Pratiwi Juniarsih, revealed that consumers Indonesia initially very difficult to accept Pocari Sweat. "At that time people still feel" weird "with it," said Pratiwi. However, the flavor is retained as the typical flavor of Pocari Sweat. With education and effective marketing strategies, isotonic drinks market continues to grow. Consumers are increasingly aware of the importance as a supplier of ion isotonic body. Isotonic osmolarity must have the same pressure in the cell body. Electrolyte content contained in these drinks include the cations Na + (21 mEq / l), K + (5 mEq / l), Ca2 + (1 mEq / l), and Mg2 + (0.5 meg / l). While the anion consisting of Cl-(16 mEq / l), Citrate3 + (10 mEq / l), and lactate-(mEq / l).

Now, other than in cans, isotonic drinks are also available in PET bottles and powder. Diversification of the package aims to reduce reliance on the tin. PET bottles are produced in a factory occupies a land area of
​​132 383 m2 and 41 000 m2 of buildings. Pocari Sweat while in powder form is created for consumers who need the practicality of using mixing technology.

The production process in general is isotonic sugar dissolved in water and then heated at a temperature of pasteurization, which then cleared up. The solution is then added minerals and flavor, resulting syrup Pocari. Pocari syrup is then diluted with water, and filled into bottles / cans in hot conditions (hot filling). Then the bottle is closed (capping).

"The solution should not be rolled over and must be filled," said Pratiwi. Shelf life of the Pocari Sweat that has been packaged for packaging is 8 months and 1 year PET Bottle for packaging cans. With the shelf life, Pocari Sweat can reach a wide enough area.

The production process in general is isotonic sugar dissolved in water and then heated at a temperature of pasteurization, which then cleared up. The solution is then added minerals and flavor, resulting syrup Pocari.

Pratiwi added that the company has received ISO 22000:2005 certification, complete the halal certificate and ISO 9001 which had earlier had. Thus, all the raw materials ranging from water, refined sugar, flavoring, and minerals are always strictly controlled. During the production process, inspection is also carried out tests involving physical, chemical, and microbiological.

Pocari Sweat is distributed with a direct distribution system through the branches of PT Amerta Indah Otsuka in Jakarta, Bandung, Medan, and use a system of "multi-distribution" by cooperating with local distributors in each region. In addition to domestic consumption, Pocari Sweat Indonesia also exports its products to ASEAN countries and the Middle East.

In Indonesia, the growth of fast-growing isotonic drinks. "Currently the average public drinking 2 cans of isotonic drink per year, so the market is still very open," said Pratiwi.

In addition, most of the sales are still concentrated in Java. Of sales data, in 2007 recorded sales of Pocari Sweat 330 ml equivalent of 300 million cans. Increase from the previous year that about 230 million equivalent to 330 ml cans. In 2008, Pocari growth reached 40% from 2007 and the target for 2009 is achieving 30% growth from 2008. The increase is sustained by Pocari Sweat with plans to expand its plant. "We plan to soon open a factory in East Java," said Pratiwi.

PT Amerta Indah Otsuka (AIO), a Japanese isotonic drink factory, re-build the plant (PET Production Line) are second in Indonesia precisely in the region Kejayan.

Standing area is 112,480 m2 of land and a building area of
​​19,326 m2, the plant will be able to produce 350 ml PET bottles as much as 150 million / year. Kejayan isotonic drinks factory has started production this month of April 2010.

In the inauguration of isotonic precisely on Wednesday May 26, 2010, the President Director of PT Amerta Indah Otsuka - Mr. Yoshihiro Bando stated, that this plant we aimed to meet and ensure the availability of isotonic beverage products bottled in the country are in the final two years has been rapidly increasing its production rate.

The factory was inaugurated by the Deputy Governor of East Java, Saifullah Yusuf, attended by Japanese Ambassador to Indonesia Kojiro Shiojiri, Vice Regent of Pasuruan, Executive Vice President of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co.. Ltd. - Japan and Head of the Food and Drug Administration RI (POM).

During its development in Indonesia, PT Amerta Indah Otsuka (AIO) has managed to gain international recognition of food safety management system that is 14001, OHSAS 18001 and HACCP certification (Hazard Analysis of Critical Point) based on World Food Security Agency regulations.

In addition to developing its manufacturer, PT AIO has also provided facilities for the community around the factory, as a means of education about plant and mosques around the plant area

To be a Brilliant Company by giving the most reliable contribution to consumers and societies.

1.  To develop and maintain high quality employees in order to ensure high quality products.
2.  To ensure the needs and welfare of consumers and society as the main priority.
3.  To catch the opportunities in order to create new market for distributed high quality products to more consumers.

PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka (AIO) is committed to provide the best for the consumer and the community in accordance with its mission to become a brilliant company, by providing significant and trusted contribution for the consumer as well as the community. The commitment is realized with the operational activities that uphold quality and standardization, both local and internationally acclaimed. The commitment and hard work of PT. Amerta Indah Otsuka has been recognized by various parties through these various certificates as follow: ICSA 2011, SWA, MUI, Kecelakaan Nihil, ISO 14001:2004, Gubernur Jawa Timur, SGS, Badan POM RI, and others.

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