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Sunday, November 27, 2011


Commercial Global Data Research
Consultant – Survey – Research – Report
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Pelanggan yang kami cintai! Salam sejahtera.
Semoga kita semua ada dalam lindungan Tuhan!

Latar Belakang Commercial Global Data Research (CDR)
Kami adalah sebuah lembaga Konsultan, Survey, Riset dan Pelaporan di bidang data riset secara global, menyajikan berbagai informasi bisnis aktual yang meliputi sektor Industri manufaktur, pertambangan, perbankan, asuransi, studi kelayakan, dan jasa riset lainnya.

Kami hadir sebagai mitra konsultan Anda, untuk memberikan informasi aktual yang Anda perlukan guna menentukan arah kebijakan dalam mengembangkan perusahaan Anda. Salah satu produk buku studi yang kami tawarkan kepada Anda adalah buku studi tentang "KONDISI PASAR DAN PROSPEK INDUSTRI CAT DI INDONESIA", 2012.

Kami tawarkan Buku tersebut kepada Anda seharga Rp. 7.000.000 (Tujuh juta rupiah) atau US$ 850, guna membantu para pelaku bisnis pada Industri Cat, membantu para Investor, membantu pihak Perbankan atau Kreditor, dan pihak lainnya yang terkait, dengan cara melihat peta kekuatan diantara para pesaing/partner Anda, baik pesaing dari luar negeri maupun dalam negeri, mempelajari perkembangan Ekspor dan Impor produk Cat di Indonesia, mengetahui hambatan dan peluang bagi perusahaan yang kondisinya berfluktuasi, mengetahui Main Market dari setiap perusahaan Cat, mengetahui pangsa pasar luar negeri, mengetahui susunan Direktur dan Komisaris, serta informasi lainnya yang perlu Anda ketahui. (terlampir contoh Profil Perusahaan).

Seberapa besar kontribusi perusahaan Anda dalam meningkatkan kapasitas produksi guna memenuhi pesanan dari para buyer baik lokal maupun internasional, mencermati setiap peluang yang ada, dan diharapkan dengan memiliki buku ini, perusahaan Anda menjadi lebih produktif, efisien, lebih maju dan bersaing secara sehat.

Kata Pengantar
Bangunan/obyek akan tampak lebih bersih, nyaman, dan indah bila dicat. Biasanya pemilik bangunan/obyek akan memilih warna yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan selera mereka. Tapi tahukah Anda, ternyata cat mulai digunakan pada zaman manusia gua untuk menggambar suatu obyek atau keadaan?.

Pada zaman manusia gua, bahan-bahan berwarna sudah ada di sekeliling dinding batu. Mereka menggambar suatu obyek atau keadaan di sekitarnya. Mereka mencampur arang, kapur, warna tanah, air, dan warna-warna yang dihasilkan alam untuk mewarnai dinding gua. Hasil campuran tersebut seperti semen. Kemudian mereka menggambar apa yang mereka inginkan di dinding gua, meski hasilnya tidak tahan lama.

Kemudian, penggunaan cat mulai digunakan oleh orang Mesir dan orang Timur. Para seniman mendekorasi sisi piramid, patung, ornamen dengan warna natural. Bahan pasir, soda, dan tembaga dibakar untuk menghasilkan warna biru. Sedangkan tulang dan sisa pembakaran sampah digunakan untuk menghasilkan warna hitam.

Pada masa raja Mesir Fir'aun, warna sepuhan emas tampak lebih dominan karena warna emas dianggap dapat melambangkan kekayaan. Cat juga berkembang di China, Jepang, dan Amerika. Mereka menggunakan minyak rami untuk mengembangkan pigmen dan untuk merekatkan bahan. Cat pun sudah digunakan untuk memperindah permukaan tembok suatu bangunan.

Kemudian penggunaan cat pun semakin berkembang. Pada abad ke 15 ditemukan cat minyak kental oleh Leo Battista Alberta. Kemudian pada abad ke 19, industri cat makin pesat pertumbuhannya. Perkembangan industri cat maju pesat ketika industri cat menjadi bagian dari industri kimia yang menghasilkan cat siap pakai. Kini, apa yang diawali oleh manusia gua, telah berkembang menjadi industri yang sangat besar dimana-mana. Bahkan tanpa cat, rumah serasa kurang lengkap.

Cat adalah istilah umum yang digunakan untuk keluarga produk yang digunakan untuk melindungi dan memberikan warna pada suatu obyek atau permukaan yang dilapisi dengan lapisan berpigmen.

Cat dapat digunakan pada hampir semua jenis objek, antara lain untuk menghasilkan karya seni (oleh pelukis untuk membuat lukisan), salutan industri (industrial coating), bantuan pengemudi (marka jalan), atau pengawet (untuk mencegah korosi atau kerusakan oleh air).

Perkembangan Industri Cat dan Pemasarannya di Indonesia
Pasar cat di dalam negeri belakangan ini terus berkembang, walaupun kinerjanya menurun dihantam krisis yang berkepanjangan. Pesatnya pembangunan di sektor konstruksi, khususnya properti seperti real estate, apartemen, dan pusat perbelanjaan. Kenaikan permintaan juga terjadi di sektor otomotif untuk merakit kendaraan dan sektor industri lainnya.

Sebagian kebutuhan cat di Indonesia dari hasil impor, khususnya untuk jenis dan kualitas tertentu yang tidak atau belum diproduksi di dalam negeri. Impor cat Indonesia sebagian besar dari jenis solvent-based paint. Semakin besar populasi pemakai cat seperti properti, otomotif, dan sektor industri, maka semakin tinggi pula potensi permintaannya. Pengecatan ulang (refinishing) bangunan atau kendaraan bermotor misalnya, dilakukan kembali jika lapisan cat sudah kusam dan kotor ataupun untuk memperoleh kesan visual atau warna tertentu. Meningkatnya pendapatan masyarakat akan mendorong meningkatnya frekuensi pengecatan ulang.

Kecuali teknologi proses pembuatannya yang umumnya sudah cukup baik dikuasai, untuk teknologi formulasi, terutama untuk produk yang menuntut standar mutu seperti untuk badan kendaraan bermotor, badan kapal, atau heavy duty coating, sebagian besar masih berstandar kepada perusahan luar negeri. Pemakaian lisensi merek terkenal juga dimaksudkan untuk memperkuat penetrasi pasarnya. Merek-merek popular di pasaran diantaranya ICI/Dulux, Nippon Paint, Pacific, Kansai, Mowilex, dan Danapaint.

Beberapa produsen merek terkenal dunia mengoperasikan pabrik sendiri di Indonesia, seperti ICI Paint (mendirikan PT. ICI Paint Indonesia), Kansai Paint, Jepang (PT. Dayin Prima Indonesia), British Courtauld Coating (PT. Courtauld Coating Indonesia), Wattyl Dimet, Australia (PT. Wattyl Dimet Indonesia), Chugoku Marine Paint (PT. Chugoku Paint Indonesia), dan Jotun, Norwegia (PT. Jotun Indonesia Paint & Chemicals).

Industri cat di dalam negeri tergolong industri perakitan (industri formulasi), dengan aktivitas utama mixing (blending). Bahan bakunya siap pakai yang ada di pasaran. Aktivitas yang cukup menonjol lainnya adalah pengemasan. Produsen cat menengah ke atas umumnya memiliki unit kaleng kemasannya sendiri. Umumnya pabrik cat membuat warna-warni spesifik dari komposisi pemakaian warna dasar yang berbeda antara satu dengan lainnya. Beberapa perusahaan cat melayani pembuatan cat dengan warna atau spesifikasi tertentu atas pesanan khusus. Dengan proses produksi yang relatif simpel dan fasilitas mesin yang tidak terlalu rumit, pabrikasi cat dapat juga dilakukan oleh pengusaha bermodal kecil atau industri berskala rumah tangga.

Dalam kaitan ini, Commercial Global Data Research atau disingkat CDR sebagai salah satu lembaga riset berupaya membuat studi lengkap mengenai "STUDI TENTANG KONDISI PASAR DAN PROSPEK INDUSTRI CAT DI INDONESIA" 2012. Dalam studi ini dibahas secara mendalam perkembangan industri dan pemasaran cat serta coating material di Indonesia, baik pada tingkat produsen maupun konsumen. Industri cat dan coating material yang akan dibahas dalam studi ini meliputi jumlah perusahaan, kapasitas produksi, realisasi produksi, perkembangan ekspor impor, dan lain sebagainya. Supply dan konsumsi merupakan salah satu aspek yang akan dibahas dalam studi ini, sehingga komponen yang mempengaruhinya seperti perkembangan produksi lokal, ekspor, dan impor cat dan coating material juga akan dibahas secara lengkap. Perkembangan pasar, prospek pasar, dan kebijakaan pemerintah juga dibahas dalam studi ini, demikian pula sistem distribusi dan harga. Prospek industri dan pasar cat merupakan mata rantai yang memiliki keterkaitan cukup erat, sehingga pembahasannya akan dikaitkan dengan perkembangan produksi dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, usaha pendirian dan perluasan pabrik, perkembangan industri pemakainya, serta perkembangan proyek-proyek baru yang diperkirakan akan mempengaruhi pasar cat dan coating material tersebut. Studi ini juga dilengkapi dengan direktori perusahaan cat.


1.1. Sejarah Industri Cat
1.1.1. Perkembangan Industri Cat dan Pemasarannya di Indonesia
1.1.2. Bahan Baku Cat
1.1.3. Macam-macam cara Pengeringan Cat
1.2. Ruang Lingkup Studi
1.3. Sumber Data dan Informasi

2.1. Populasi Penduduk Indonesia
2.2. Perkembangan Indikator Perekonomian Indonesia
2.2.1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
2.2.2. Inflasi
2.2.3. Tingkat Pengangguran
2.3. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia
2.3.1. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan I-2010 Nilai PDB menurut Lapangan Usaha Triwulan I-2009, Triwulan IV-2009, dan Triwulan I-2010 Struktur PDB menurut Lapangan Usaha Triwulan I-2010 PDB menurut Penggunaan Triwulan I-2010 Profil Spasial Perekonomian Indonesia menurut Kelompok Provinsi Triwulan I-2010
2.4. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan II-2010
2.4.1. Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan II-2010 tumbuh 6,2 persen
2.4.2. Besaran PDB atas dasar Harga Berlaku dan Harga Konstan 2000 Triwulan I dan II 2010
2.4.3. Struktur PDB menurut Lapangan Usaha Triwulan I dan II Tahun 2009-2010
2.4.4. PDB menurut Penggunaan Triwulan II-2010
2.4.5. Profil Spasial Ekonomi Indonesia menurut Kelompok Provinsi Triwulan II-2010
2.5. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Triwulan III-2010
2.5.1. Pertumbuhan Perekonomian Indonesia tumbuh 6,3% pada kuartal III/2010
2.5.2. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Indonesia Tumbuh Pesat 2010
2.6. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Triwulan IV 2010 mencapai 6%
2.7. Perkembangan Indeks Harga Konsumen/Inflasi sebesar 0,12% pada bulan Mei 2011
2.7.1. Uraian menurut Kelompok Pengeluaran
2.7.2. Perbandingan Inflasi Tahunan
2.7.3. Perbandingan antar Kota Perbandingan antar kota di Pulau Sumatera Perbandingan antar kota di Pulau Jawa Perbandingan antar kota diluar Pulau Jawa dan Sumatera
2.7.4. Inflasi Komponen Inti Mei 2011

3.1. Apakah cat itu?
3.2. Bahan Penyusun Cat
3.3. Tahapan Pembuatan Cat
3.4. Jenis Cat
3.4.1. Cat Minyak
3.4.2. Cat Air
3.5. Proses Produksi Cat
3.6. Macam-macam Produk Cat
3.7. Spesifikasi produk Cat
3.8. Terobosan baru dalam Industri cat
3.9. Depperin terapkan Wajib SNI pada Produk Cat
3.10. Produksi Cat Tembok Berkualitas
3.11. Cat Genteng
3.12. Fitur-Fitur Cat
3.12.1. Klasifikasi Pigmen
3.12.2. Fitur-fitur pigmen organik (Pigment Ekstender dan Pigment Efek)
3.12.3. Pigmen Spesial Efek
3.13. Polymer
3.13.1. Polymerisasi
3.13.2. Copolymer
3.13.3. Teknik Polymerisasi
3.13.4. Acrylic Polymer
3.13.5. Polymerisasi Emulsi
3.13.6. Bahan Baku Polymerisasi Emulsi
3.14. Efek Komposisi Monomer terhadap Latex
3.15. Aditif Dispersing dan Wetting Agent
3.16. Aditif Pengawet
3.16.1. Perlindungan saat kondisi basah (Wet State)
3.16.2. Perlindungan film cat (Dry State)
3.16.3. Bahan kimia untuk perlindungan wet state
3.17. Aditif Pembentuk Film
3.18. Aditif Buffer
3.19. Aditif Antifoam
3.19.1. Asal Foam
3.19.2. Bahan Kimia Antifoam
3.20. Macam-macam Mesin Pemproses Cat
3.20.1. High Speed Disperser
3.20.2. Bead Mill
3.20.3. Roller Mill
3.21. Ketika warna menentukan
3.22. Masalah yang sering timbul pada cat dinding
3.23. Cat Mobil
3.24. USG dalam Penyusunan Coating
3.25. Powder Coating
3.26. Bahan Kimia dalam Cat

4.1. Bisnis Cat yang semakin cerah
4.1.1. Konsumsi Cat Nasional diproyeksi naik
4.1.2. Pasar Cat didalam negeri semakin tumbuh
4.1.3. Industri Cat dan Coating tidak lagi lesu
4.1.4. Permintaan Coating Industri tumbuh 30%
4.1.5. Industri Cat alami pertumbuhan 3-4% per tahun
4.2. Avian andalkan Cat tanpa bau
4.3. Industri Cat turut memanen kemajuan Properti
4.3.1. Sektor Properti Pulih, CSAP tingkatkan Penjualan 15%
4.3.2. Sistem Jemput Bola
4.3.3. Pertumbuhan Properti buka peluang Industri Cat
4.3.4. Perkembangan Real Estate
4.3.5. Sebanyak 509 ribu ton Cat dikonsumsi sektor Properti
4.3.6. Properti dorong pertumbuhan Investasi Industri Bahan Bangunan
4.4. Peluang Industri Cat Otomotif
4.4.1. Memilih jenis Cat Mobil untuk Repaint
4.4.2. Bengkel cat kendaraan, bisnis yang tidak pernah mati
4.5. Pertumbuhan Kendaraan Mobil dan Motor
4.5.1. Bengkel cat kendaraan, bisnis yang tidak pernah mati
4.5.2. Honda raja di dunia roda 2
4.5.3. Teknologi
4.5.4. Cat custom
4.6. Cat lokal laik terbang
4.7. DuPont Refinish kembangkan produk Cat Mobil rendah emisi
4.8. Hati-hati, banyak Cat Impor berbahaya beredar!
4.9. Ragam Cat Interior
4.10. Yang terbaik dari Chugoku
4.11. Jotun optimis bersaing di bidang Industri Cat
4.11.1. Jotun Dongkrak Produksi Cat 40%
4.11.2. Jotun, Cat Kualitas Tinggi dan Pendekor Sejati
4.11.3. Jotun tingkatkan produksi jadi 14 juta liter
4.11.4. Jotun bidik nomor dua di industri cat
4.11.5. Indonesia pasar terbesar cat Jotun di Asia
4.11.6. Jotun terus perkenalkan Produk Anti Fouling-nya
4.12. Hadapi Produk China bermodalkan mutu terbaik
4.13. Tantangan bagi Industri Pelapisan Cat Kapal
4.14. PT. Dayin peroleh Lisensi dari Kansai Paint Co. Ltd.
4.15. Cat Belazo bermain di Premium Brand
4.16. PT. Multi Sindo Utama bangun Pabrik Cat
4.17. Industri Kimia Hilir butuh Investasi US$ 1 miliar
4.18. Peluang Investasi Industri Cat di India
4.18.1. Peluang baru untuk Perusahaan Cat Asing
4.18.2. Potensi Pasar
4.18.3. Karakteristik Pasar
4.18.4. Karakteristik Industri
4.18.5. Peluang Investasi
4.19. Perkembangan Industri Cat dan Coating Dunia
4.20. Perbesar Pasar, Mowilex masuk Segmen Low End
4.21. Permintaan industri coating tumbuh 30%
4.22. Manfaatkan sektor cat dari pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia
4.23. Suhu Politik di Indonesia tingkatkan Investasi
4.24. Ekspor Cat Indonesia ke Timur Tengah dan Afrika
4.25. Pacific Paint targetkan 18 ribu Peritel
4.26. Frost & Sullivan: Pasar Cat & Coating Asia Pasifik tumbuh Double Digit
4.27. Indonesia diharapkan menjadi pengkonsumsi pelapis yang paling cepat berkembang pasar di Asia
4.28. Dibalik Optimisme, pertumbuhan penjualan Cat terganggu Regulasi
4.29. Untuk pertama kalinya Indonesia dipercaya menjadi tuan rumah Pameran Produk Cat Tingkat Asia Pacifik
4.30. Indonesia dan Vietnam pasar utama industri cat
4.31. Propan Unggulkan Inovasi di Dunia Cat Premium

5.1. Pengurangan Limbah Industri dengan penerapan Clean Technology
5.2. Limbah yang dihasilkan dalam Proses Produksi Cat
5.3. Karakteristik limbah dalam proses pembuatan Cat
5.4. Penanganan Limbah Industri Cat dalam Manajemen Industri
5.5. Penanganan Limbah Padat
5.6. Penanganan Limbah Cair
5.7. Pengelolaan limbah cair Industri Cat Solvent-Based
5.8. Unit Pengelolaan Limbah Cair untuk Cat Solvent-Based
5.9. Pengendalian di dalam Pabrik untuk mengurangi pencemaran

6.1. Perkembangan Ekspor Cat dan Pernis (termasuk enamel dan lak) berdasarkan polimer sintetis atau polimer alam yang dimodifikasi secara kimia, didispersikan atau dilarutkan dalam media non berair (HS Kode 3208)
6.1.1. Perkembangan Ekspor Berdasarkan Polyester (HS Kode 3208.10) Perkembangan Ekspor Pernis (termasuk lak), melebihi 100ºC tahan panas Perkembangan Ekspor Enamel cat dan polimer berdasarkan akrilik/vinil HS Kode 3208200000 – 3208209000 Perkembangan Ekspor Pernis (termasuk lak), tidak melebihi 100ºC tahan panas (HS Kode: 3208901900 – 3208909000)
6.1.2. Perkembangan Ekspor Cat dan Pernis (termasuk enamel dan lak) dibuat dari polimer sintetis atau polimer alam yang dimodifikasi secara kimia, didispersikan atau dilarutkan dalam media air (HS Kode: 3209000000 – 3209900000) Terbuat dari polimer akrilat atau vinil
6.2. Perkembangan Ekspor Cat Kode HS 32081 – 32139 Tahun 2006 – 2011
6.3. Perkembangan Impor Cat Kode HS 32081 – 32139 Tahun 2006 – 2011
6.4. Perkembangan Ekspor Cat menurut Komoditi Kode HS 3208109000 – 9701100000 Tahun 2006 – 2011
6.5. Perkembangan Import Cat menurut Komoditi Kode HS 3208109000 – 9701100000 Tahun 2006 – 2011
6.6. Perkembangan Ekspor Bahan Baku Cat
6.6.1. Perkembangan Ekspor Solvent
6.6.2. Perkembangan Impor Solvent
6.6.3. Perkembangan Ekspor Pigment
6.6.4. Perkembangan Impor Pigment
6.6.5. Perkembangan Ekspor Additive
6.6.6. Perkembangan Impor Additive
6.6.7. Perkembangan Ekspor Resin
6.6.8. Perkembangan Impor Resin

7.1. AkzoNobel
7.1.1. Produk AkzoNobel
7.1.2. Manajemen AkzoNobel
7.1.3. Organisasi AkzoNobel
7.1.4. Strategi AkzoNobel
7.2. BASF
7.2.1. Sejarah BASF
7.2.2. Struktur dan Organisasi BASF
7.2.3. Manajemen Perusahaan dan kontrol oleh Dewan Direksi Eksekutif serta Dewan Pengawas
7.2.4. Kinerja Kimia BASF
7.3. ICI Paints
7.3.1. Kemasan dan Coating ICI Paints
7.3.2. Produk ICI Paints
7.3.3. Pasar Cat Dekoratif ICI Paints
7.3.4. Laporan Keuangan ICI Paints Q3 – 2011
7.4. PPG Industries Inc.
7.4.1. Produk PPG Industries Inc.
7.4.2. Tata Kelola Perusahaan
7.4.3. PPG Tim Manajemen
7.4.4. Laporan Rekor Pendapatan PPG Kuartal Ketiga
7.5. Dupont
7.5.1. Dewan Direksi DuPont
7.5.2. Produk DuPont
7.5.3. Lingkup global DuPont ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi
7.5.4. Penjualan DuPont FY 2010 menurut Wilayah
7.6. Asian Paint Ltd.
7.6.1. Kehadiran Asian Paints Ltd. di tingkat Internasional
7.6.2. Tentang Asian Paint Ltd.
7.6.3. Kondisi Pasar Industri Cat di India
7.6.4. Pemikiran investasi
7.6.5. Asian Paints Ltd. merupakan industri cat raksasa di India
7.6.6. Persaingan industri cat di India menjadi lebih intens dengan masuknya pemain asing seperti Jotun, Nippon & Sherwin Williams
7.6.7. Asian Paints Ltd. membeli tanah di Maharashtra untuk mega proyek greenfield dengan kapasitas 4 ton lakh per tahun. Sejumlah Rs 735 cr akan dihabiskan untuk proyek dalam 5 tahun ke depan
7.6.8. Asian Paints Ltd. mungkin melihat kenaikan harga lebih lanjut, jika harga bahan baku terus naik
7.6.9. Asian Paints Ltd. manfaatkan dengan menjual Ftalat Anhidrida (PAN) di pasar terbuka
7.6.10. Hampir setengah dari pendapatan yang diterima oleh industri cat India adalah melalui enamel
7.6.11. Timur Tengah penyumbang mayoritas penjualan Asian Paints Ltd. di tingkat Internasional
7.6.12. Untuk 9MFY11, penjualan bersih perusahaan melonjak 19,5% menjadi Rs 5.740,6 cr, dibandingkan dengan Rs 4804,2 cr di 9MFY10
7.6.13. Kinerja penjualan bersih Asian Paints YoY di Q2FY11 karena musim hujan yang berkepanjangan dan musim festival yang tertunda, tetapi penjualan ada pemulihan dalam Q3FY11
7.6.14. Kinerja yang kuat terlihat dalam bisnis cat dekoratif meskipun bisnis cat Industri tidak sesuai kinerja
7.6.15. Harga minyak mentah telah mengalami kenaikan dan ini akan meningkatkan beban biaya para pelaku industri
7.6.16. Krisis di Mesir dan Bahrain akan berdampak sedikit pada bisnis Asian Paints Ltd.
7.6.17. SWOT Analisis
7.7. Berger International, Ltd.
7.7.1. Produk dan Pelayanan Berger International, Ltd.
7.7.2. Informasi Perusahaan Berger International, Ltd.
7.7.3. Pernyataan Chairman Berger International, Ltd.
7.7.4. Tinjauan Operasi Berger International, Ltd.
7.8. Cat dan Coatings Industri di beberapa Negara
7.9. Konsumsi Coating di Asia paling cepat berubah
7.10. Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Dunia
7.11. Analisis Pasar (APAC Paint and Coating)
7.11.1. Analisis Pasar (Ukuran Pasar berdasarkan Nilai dan Volume)
7.11.2. Analisis Pasar (Pasar Cat APAC)
7.11.3. Analisis Pasar (Pertumbuhan Pasar Cat dan Konsumsi Cat Per Kapita)
7.11.4. Analisis Pasar Industri Coating menurut Segmen
7.11.5. Analisis Pasar (Competitive Analysis)
7.12. Industri Utama di China
7.13. Negara Utama (India)
7.14. Negara Utama (Fokus pada Asean: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam)
7.15. Negara Utama (Australia dan Selandia Baru)
7.16. Teknologi Utama pada Industri Coating dan Dekoratif (Pertumbuhan Lapisan Hijau)
7.17. Teknologi Utama (Teknologi Dekorasi Coating - Trend menurut wilayah)
7.18. Teknologi Utama (Pertumbuhan Coatings Cure Radiasi)
7.19. Kritis sebagai faktor keberhasilan pada Industri Cat dan Caoting


9.1. Prinsip dasar Restrukturisasi kredit
9.2. Kucuran Kredit kian Agresif

10.1. China dan India mendorong pertumbuhan pelapis Asia
10.2. Permintaan Cat dan Coating di China terbesar di Kawasan Asia Pasifik
10.3. Konsumsi Cat dan Coating India pada Kelas Menengah
10.4. Dampak meningkatnya produksi Cat terhadap komoditi bahan baku
10.5. Sepuluh Pemain Top Dunia pada Industri Cat dan Pelapis

11.1. Kesimpulan
11.1.1. Prospek Perekonomian Indonesia
11.1.2. Prospek Pembangunan Properti di Indonesia
11.1.3. Produksi Cat sebagai bisnis turunan Properti yang Prospektif
11.1.4. Perumahan sektor paling prospektif pengkonsumsi Cat
11.2. Saran



A d d r e s s : Office
Jl. Walikota Mustajab 59, Ketabang, Genteng
Surabaya 60272
Phone : 031-5325994, 031-5325995
Fax : 031-5325994

Jl Kima Raya II Kav L/4
Makassar 90241
Phone : +62 (0411) 512811, 513513
Fax : +62 (0411) 512811

Jl. Raya Surabaya - Sidoarjo Km. 19
Desa Wadung Asih – Buduran 61252
Phone : +62 (031) 8968000

Date of Establishment : November 1st, 1978

S t a t u s : Private Limited Company, Foreign Based Company

C a t e g o r y : Foreign Investment Scheme (PMA)

Condition of Company : Good

Line of Business : Paint manufacturers, painting equipment,
Paint dealers, suppliers and service

Merk : Avian and Avitex

Production Capacity : 3,000 ton paint per month
1,050 ton paint per month/expansion

Number of Employees : 135 Workers

Board of Management : a. Mr. Wijono Tanoko (Director)
b. Mr. Hermawan (Director)
c. Mr. Mulyono (Director)
d. Mr. Hemanto Tanoko (Managing Director)
e. Mr. Johnny Lukas (Marketing Manager)
f. Mr. Citro M., SH (Personalia)

ISO : ISO 9001:2000 Certified

R E M A R K S :

Daftar produk PT. Avia Avian
Platinum Paint Remover adalah campuran (compound) pengelupas cat yang efektif untuk menghilangkan/ mengelupaskan cat enamel, lacquer, baking, printing, politur, vermis dan lain lain pada permukaan besi maupun kayu.

Platinum Paint Remover adalah campuran (compound) pengelupas cat yang efektif untuk menghilangkan/ mengelupaskan cat enamel, lacquer, baking, printing, politur, vermis dan lain lain pada permukaan besi maupun kayu.

Penggunaan Platinum remover tidak merusak permukaan besi dan kayu, sangat praktis, menghemat waktu dan tenaka kerja, serta dapat meningkatkan produktivitas pekerjaan. Bekas cat yang dibersihkan dengan Platinum Paint Remover tidak dapat terbakar.

No Drop adalah cat pelapis anti bocor yang memiliki sifat elastis, kedap air, serta sangat tahan cuaca sehingga sangat cocok untuk digunakan pada permukaan tembok, beton, asbes, galvanis/seng dan permukaan terakota. (Ukuran 1 kg).

Bagaimana cara NO DROP mencegah kebocoran?
Cat Pelapis anti bocor No Drop telah dikenal di Indonesia. Mulai dari sabang sampai Merauke, produk No Drop telah digunakan oleh rakyat Indonesia.

Di saat musim hujan yang tidak menentu alangkah tidak enaknya apabila rumah yang dihuni mengalami kebocoran.

Dengan menggunakan No Drop sebagai cat pelapis anti bocor:
1. Makan lebih enak - karena makanan yang disajikan tidak tertetes air hujan.
2. Tidur lebih nyaman - karena kasur dan selimut tidak basah terkena air hujan yang menetes.
3. Nonton TV lebih nikmat - acara TV yang berlangsung tidak terganggu dengan tetesan air ke dalam ember di ruang tamu
4. Anak kecil bisa bermain lebih leluasa tanpa khawatir terkena genangan air di dalam rumah.

Segera gunakan NO DROP sebagai cat pelapis anti bocor anda. Dapatkan semua manfaat cat pelapis anti bocor No Drop Untuk rumah anda. Sudah saatnya rumah anda bebas dari gangguan kebocoran dengan No Drop.

Cat Avian High Gloss Enamel adalah cat sintetik bermutu tinggi untuk eksterior maupun interior. Dapat digunakan pada kayu dan besi. Cat ini memberikan lapisan yang sangat hlus dengan kilap yang indah, mudah dicuci, tahan jamur dan memberikan lapisan yang kuat

Super Quick Drying 2-3 hours.

Cara Pemakaian :
Permukaan yang akan dicat harus bersih dan bebas dari kotoran, cat - cat yang mengelupas, minyak, debu dan kotoran lainnya. Amplas dengan baik permukaan sebelum pengecatan dan terutama pada bagian yang masih terlihat ada lapisan yang mengkilap. Bagian-bagian dari permukaan yang cacat sebaiknya diperbaiki terlebih dahulu sesuai dengan keperluan. Dapat diaplikasikan dengan kuas dan spray

Peringatan :
Perhatikan sirkulasi udara selama pengecatan. Tutuplah kaleng jika tidak dipergunakan. Simpanlah di tempat yang sejuk. Jauhkanlah dari jangkauan anak-anak. Jangan sampai terkena mata. Buanglah sisa-sisa bahan ditempat yang diijinkan untuk mencegah polusi.

Cat Avian High Gloss Enamel adalah cat sintetik bermutu tinggi untuk eksterior maupun interior. Dapat digunakan pada kayu dan besi. Cat ini memberikan lapisan yang sangat hlus dengan kilap yang indah, mudah dicuci, tahan jamur dan memberikan lapisan yang kuat

Avian Aluminium Paint Chrome Finish 100cc
Avian Aluminium Paint is ideal for use on radiators, furnace, steam pipes, because this product is known to have heat resistant to properties. Avian Aluminium Paint is excellent to protect and decorate all exposed surfaces such as gas tanks, fences and other metal object with require chrome finish. ISO 9001:2000 Certified

Direction for use:
Apply with brush, during application try to brush in one direction. Stir the paint occasionally while using.

Before coating, please ensure that surfaces are perfectly clean, dry and free from rust, dirt or grease. Apply a coat of rust inhibitive primer followed by Avian Aluminium Paint on old metal surfaces.

Avian Aluminium Paint Chrome Finish 0.75 ltr
Avian Aluminium Paint is ideal for use on radiators, furnace, steam pipes, because this product is known to have heat resistant to properties. Avian Aluminium Paint is excellent to protect and decorate all exposed surfaces such as gas tanks, fences and other metal object with require chrome finish. ISO 9001:2000 Certified.

Direction for use:
Apply with brush, during application try to brush in one direction. Stir the paint occasionally while using.

Before coating, please ensure that surfaces are perfectly clean, dry and free from rust, dirt or grease. Apply a coat of rust inhibitive primer followed by Avian Aluminium Paint on old metal surfaces.

Investasi Rp 30 M, Naikkan Kapasitas
Permintaan pasar terhadap produk cat berkualitas tinggi membuat PT. Avia Avian, produsen cat merek Avian Paints, berencana meningkatkan kapasitas produksinya tahun depan. Jika selama ini kemampuan produksinya 3.000 ton cat per bulan, maka mulai awal tahun depan diharapkan kapasitas itu meningkat 35 persen. Dana sekitar Rp 30 miliar disiapkan untuk membangun unit produksi baru di kawasan pabrik utamanya di Buduran Sidoarjo.

Menurut Hemanto Tanoko, managing director PT. Avia Avian, keputusan menambah kapasitas produksi itu terkait dengan masih besarnya potensi pasar produk cat bagi segmen menengah ke atas di Indonesia. Menurutnya, setiap tahun permintaan konsumen ke kami naik rata-rata 20 persen.

Dua bulan sebelum Lebaran, Natal, dan Tahun Baru, permintaan pasar itu bahkan naik drastis sampai 50 persen lebih tinggi dari bulan-bulan normal. "Sehingga unit produksi kami harus terus-menerus dijalankan, agar barang kami di pasar tidak kosong," tambah Ruslan Tanoko, assistant director PT. Avia Avian.

Sejak berdiri pada 1 November 1978, Avia Avian saat ini telah memiliki 70 merek produk cat di pasar dengan 5.000 varian. Dengan visi membangun integrated plant (pabrik terpadu), Avia Avian saat ini telah berhasil memiliki sendiri industri pendukung produksi cat. Mulai dari pabrik resin (bahan baku cat) di Tuban, sampai pabrik pengemasan dan printing label merek di Buduran Sidoarjo. Dengan fokus melayani pasar menengah ke atas, pemasaran cat Avian Paints dibantu oleh 20 distributor dan 3.000 outlet di seluruh provinsi di Indonesia.

Mengenai investasi untuk menambah kapasitas produksi, Hermanto menyebutkan akan menambah unit produksi baru di lokasi pabrik Buduran. "Saat ini sudah beroperasi 8 unit produksi di Buduran, rencananya akan kami tambah satu lagi dengan membuka lahan baru yang kami beli dari eks pabrik tepung yang telah tutup. Sumber pendanaan investasi Rp 30 miliar, disebutkan Hermanto berasal dari sebuah bank.

Target dari ekspansi pabrik itu, Avia Avian berambisi memperkuat panetrasi pasar di jenis cat dekorasi. "Produksi kami 60 persen berupa cat dekorasi, cat industri 15 persen dan sisanya cat otomotif. Khusus untuk cat otomotif, Avia Avian telah dipercaya produsen cat otomotif terbesar AS yakni The Sherwin Williams Co. untuk memproduksi dan memasarkan merek produknya di Indonesia

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Background of Commercial Global Data Research (CDR)
We are an agency Consultant, Survey, Research and Reporting in the field of global research data, presents a variety of actual business information that includes the Industrial sector, manufacturing, mining, banking, insurance, feasibility studies, and other research services.

We are here as your consultant partner to provide the actual information you need to determine the policy direction in developing your company. One study book product that we offer to you is the "Study on the Market Conditions and Prospects of the Paints Industry in Indonesia”, 2012.

We offer these books to you for Rp 7,000,000 (Seven million rupiah) or $ 850, to assist business people in the paints industry, helping investors, helping the banks or creditors, and other related parties, with how to view a map of power among competitors/partners you, good competitors from overseas and domestic, Export and Import of studying the development of paint products in Indonesia, knowing the obstacles and opportunities for companies whose condition fluctuates, knowing the Main Market of every paint company, know the market share abroad, knowing the composition of Directors and Commissioners, and Other information you need to know. (The attached sample Company Profile).

How big is your company's contribution in increasing production capacity to meet orders from buyers both locally and internationally, look at every available opportunity, and are expected to have this book, your company become more productive, efficient, more forward and compete fairly.

Building/objects will appear more clean, comfortable, and beautiful when painted. Usually the owner of the building/object will choose colors that are tailored to the needs and tastes. But you know, it paints began to be used in the days of cavemen to draw an object or situation?.

In the days of cavemen, colored materials already exist in the surrounding stone wall. They draw an object or situation in the vicinity. They mix charcoal, chalk, soil color, water, and the colors are produced natural to coloring the cave walls. The results of these mixtures such as cement. Then they draw what they want on the walls of the cave, though the results are not durable.

Then, use the paint began to be used by the Egyptians and Orientals. The artists decorated the side of the pyramids, statues, ornaments with natural color. Material of sand, soda, and copper burned to produce a blue color. While the bones and the rest of the incinerator is used to produce the color black.

At the time of Pharaoh king of Egypt, gold gilding colors appear more dominant because of the color gold is considered to symbolize wealth. Cat is also growing in China, Japan, and America. They use linseed oil to develop pigments and to glue the material. Cat had been used to embellish the surface of the wall of a building.

Then use the paint too is growing. In the 15th century found a thick oil paint by Leo Battista Alberta. Then in the 19th century, the paint industry increasingly rapid growth. Rapid industrial development of advanced paint when the paint industry to be part of the chemical industry that produces ready-made paint. Now, what was preceded by a caveman, has grown into a huge industry everywhere. Even without paint, the house seemed incomplete.

Paints is a general term used for a family of products that are used to protect and provide color to an object or surface is coated with a pigmented layer.

Paint can be used on almost any type of object, among others, to produce works of art (by the painter to paint), coating industry (industrial coatings), driver assistance (road markings), or preservatives (to prevent corrosion or damage by water).

Industrial Paint and Marketing Developments in Indonesia
In the domestic paint market is growing lately, though its performance decreases prolonged crisis hit. The rapid development in the construction sector, especially property such as real estate, apartments, and shopping centers. The increase in demand also occurred in the automotive sector to assemble vehicles and other industrial sectors.

Some need paint in Indonesia from imports, particularly for certain types and qualities that are not or have not produced domestically. Indonesia imports most of the paint of the type of solvent-based paint. The larger the user population such as the properties of paint, automotive, and industrial sectors, the higher the potential demand. Repainting (refinishing) of buildings or vehicles for example, be returned if the layer of paint is dull and dirty, or to obtain a visual impression or a certain color. Rising incomes will lead to greater frequency of repainting.

Unless the technology manufacturing process is generally good enough to master, for the formulation technology, especially for products that require quality standards for bodies such as motor vehicles, ships agency, or heavy duty coatings, most are still standard to foreign companies. Use well-known brand licensing is also intended to strengthen its market penetration. Popular brands on the market including ICI/Dulux, Nippon Paint, Pacific, Kansai, Mowilex, and Danapaint.

Some manufacturers of world famous brand operates its own factory in Indonesia, such as ICI Paint (established PT. ICI Paint Indonesia), Kansai Paint, Japan (PT. Prima Dayin Indonesia), British Courtauld Coating (PT. Courtauld Coatings Indonesia), Wattyl Dimet, Australia (PT. Wattyl Dimet Indonesia), Chugoku Marine Paint (PT. Chugoku Paint Indonesia), and Jotun, Norway (PT Jotun Indonesia Paint & Chemicals).

Paint industry in the country belonging to the assembly industry (industrial formulations), with the main activity of mixing (blending). Raw materials ready to use on the market. Another prominent enough activity is the packaging. Paint manufacturers generally have the upper-middle-canned packaging unit itself. Generally, paint manufacturers make specific colors of the composition of the basic use of color is different from one another. Some paint companies serving the manufacture of paints with a color or a certain specification for special orders. With a relatively simple production processes and facilities that are not too complicated machinery, manufacturing paints can also be done by the entrepreneur or small-cap domestic-scale industries.

In this regard, Commercial Global Data Research or abbreviated CDR as a research institute working to make a complete study of the "STUDY ON THE MARKET CONDITIONS AND PROSPECTS OF PAINTS INDUSTRY IN INDONESIA" 2012. In the study discussed in depth the development and marketing of industrial paints and coatings materials in Indonesia, both at the level of producers and consumers. Industrial paint and coating materials to be discussed in this study include the number of firms, production capacity, realization of production, import export development, and so forth. Supply and consumption is one aspect that will be addressed in this study, so the components that affect it such as the development of local production, exports, and imports of paints and coatings materials will also be discussed in full. Market developments, market prospects, and kebijakaan government also discussed in this study, as well as distribution and pricing system. Industry outlook and market paints a chain that corresponds quite closely, so the discussion will be linked to the development of production in recent years, the business establishment and expansion of factories, industrial development of the wearer, as well as the development of new projects are expected to affect the market of paints and coatings material. The study is also equipped with a paint company directory.


1.1. History of Paint Industry
1.1.1. Paint industry and marketing developments in Indonesia
1.1.2. Paint Raw Materials
1.1.3. All kinds of ways Drying Paint
1.2. Scope of Study
1.3. Sources of Data and Information

2.1. Indonesia Population
2.2. Indicators of Economic Development of Indonesia
2.2.1. Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
2.2.2. Inflation
2.2.3. Unemployment Rate
2.3. Economic Growth in Indonesia
2.3.1. Economic Growth in Indonesia Quarter I-2010 Value of GDP by Sector Quarter I-2009, Quarter IV-2009, and Quarter I-2010 Structure of GDP by Sector Quarter I-2010 The use of GDP by Quarter I-2010 Spatial profiles Indonesia's economy under the Provincial Group Quarter I-2010
2.4. Economic Growth in Indonesia Quarter II-2010
2.4.1. Indonesia's economic Quarter of 2010 grew 6.2 percent
2.4.2. On the basis of GDP Current Prices and Constant 2000 Prices and Second Quarter 2010
2.4.3. Structure of GDP by Sector Quarter I and II Years 2009-2010
2.4.4. The use of GDP by Quarter II-2010
2.4.5. Spatial Economic Profile Indonesia by Province Group Quarter II-2010
2.5. Economic Growth in Indonesia Quarter III-2010
2.5.1. The growth of Indonesia's economy grew 6.3% in the quarter III/2010
2.5.2. Indonesia Economic Growth Rapid Growth in 2010
2.6. Economic Growth in Fourth Quarter 2010 reached 6%
2.7. Development of the Consumer Price Index / Inflation at 0.12% in the month of May 2011
2.7.1. Description by Expenditure Group
2.7.2. Comparison of Annual Inflation
2.7.3. Comparison between the City Comparisons between cities on the island of Sumatra Comparisons between cities in Java Comparisons between cities outside Java and Sumatra
2.7.4. Components of Core Inflation in May 2011

3.1. Is it paint?
3.2. Materials Paint Composer
3.3. Preparation Stages of Paints
3.4. Types of Paint
3.4.1. Oil paint
3.4.2. Watercolor
3.5. Paint Production Process
3.6. Types of Paint Products
3.7. Product specifications of Paints
3.8. New breakthrough in the paint industry
3.9. Mandatory SNI of DEPPERIN apply on Paint Products
3.10. Wall Paint Production Quality
3.11. Paints Tile
3.12. Paints Features
3.12.1. Classification of Pigments
3.12.2. Features organic pigment (Pigment extender and Effect)
3.12.3. Special Effect Pigments
3.13. Polymer
3.13.1. Polymerization
3.13.2. Copolymer
3.13.3. Polymerization technique
3.13.4. Acrylic Polymer
3.13.5. Emulsion polymerization
3.13.6. Emulsion polymerization Raw Materials
3.14. Effect of Latex Monomer Composition
3.15. Dispersing additive and wetting agent
3:16. Additives Preservatives
3.16.1. Protection during wet conditions (Wet State)
3.16.2. Paint protection film (Dry State)
3.16.3. Chemicals for wet state protection
3.17. Film Forming Additives
3.18. Buffer Additives
3.19. Antifoam Additives
3.19.1. Origin Foam
3.19.2. Chemicals Antifoam
3.20. Various kinds of the processor paint
3.20.1. High Speed Disperser
3.20.2. Bead Mill
3.20.3. Roller Mill
3.21. When determining the color
3.22. Problems that often arise in the wall paint
3.23. Car Paint
3.24. Ultrasound in Coating Formulation
3.25. Powder Coating
3.26. Chemicals in the Paint

4.1. Businesses are increasingly brighter of paints
4.1.1. National Paint consumption is projected to rise
4.1.2. Paints in the domestic market is growing
4.1.3. Paint and Coating Industry is no longer sluggish
4.1.4. Industrial Coating Demand grew 30%
4.1.5. Paint industry experienced growth of 3-4% per year
4.2. Avian rely Paint without the smell
4.3. Paints Industrial Property participated harvest progress
4.3.1. Restored property sector, CSAP Sales increase 15%
4.3.2. Shuttle Systems Ball
4.3.3. Growth opportunities open Property Industrial Paint
4.3.4. Development of Real Estate
4.3.5. A total of 509 thousand tons of paint consumed Property sector
4.3.6. Property Investment encourage the growth of Building Materials Industry
4.4. Automotive Paint Industry Opportunities
4.4.1. Selecting the type of Car Paint to Repaint
4.4.2. Vehicle paint repair shop, a business that never dies
4.5. Growth of Cars and Motor Vehicles
4.5.1. Vehicle paint repair shop, a business that never dies
4.5.2. Honda's king of the world's second wheel
4.5.3. Technology
4.5.4. Custom paint
4.6. Local Paints airworthy
4.7. DuPont Refinish paint products developed low-emission car
4.8. Be careful, many dangerous of Paints Import outstanding!
4.9. Variety of Interior Paint
4.10. The best of the Chugoku
4.11. Jotun optimistic to compete in the field of Industrial Paints
4.11.1. Jotun Paints 40% Boost Production
4.11.2. Jotun, Paints High Quality and True decorations
4.11.3. Jotun boost production to be 14 million liters
4.11.4. Jotun aim at number two in the paint industry
4.11.5. Jotun paints Indonesia's largest market in Asia
4.11.6. Jotun continues to introduce its products Anti-fouling
4.12. Face the best quality capitalize China Products
4.13. Challenges for Industrial Coatings Paint Ship
4.14. PT. Dayin obtained from Kansai Paint Co. License. Ltd.
4.15. Paints Belazo play on Premium Brand
4.16. PT. Multi Sindo Main wake Paint
4.17. Downstream Chemical Industry Investment need of U.S. $ 1 billion
4.18. Paints Industrial Investment Opportunities in India
4.18.1. New Opportunities for Foreign Companies of Paints
4.18.2. Market Potential
4.18.3. Market Characteristics
4.18.4. Industry Characteristics
4.18.5. Investment Opportunities
4.19. Paint and Coating Industry Development in the World
4.20. Expand Markets, Mowilex in Low End Segment
4.21. Coatings industry demand grew by 30%
4.22. Take advantage of the paint sector of economic growth in Indonesia
4.23. Political temperatures in Indonesia to boost investment
4.24. Indonesian paints exports to the Middle East and Africa
4.25. Pacific Paint Retailers are targeting 18 thousand
4.26. Frost & Sullivan: Paint & Coatings Market Asia Pacific region grew Double Digits
4.27. Indonesia is expected to be consuming coating of the fastest growing markets in Asia
4.28. Behind the optimism, sales growth of paints disturbed regulation
4.29. For the first time Indonesia is believed to host Level of Paints Products Exhibition in Asia Pacific
4.30. Indonesia and Vietnam the main market of paint industry
4.31. Propane superior of Premium Innovation at the Paints World

5.1. Waste Reduction in Industry with the implementation of Clean Technology
5.2. Waste generated in Paint Production Process
5.3. Characteristics of waste in the process of paints making
5.4. Paints Industrial Waste Management in Industrial Management
5.5. Solid Waste Handling
5.6. Liquid Waste Handling
5.7. Industrial liquid waste management Solvent-Based Paints
5.8. Liquid Waste Management Unit for Solvent-Based Paints
5.9. Control at the factory to reduce pollution

6.1. Paint and Varnish Export Development (including enamels and lacquers) based on synthetic polymers or modified natural polymer chemistry, dispersed or dissolved in non-aqueous medium (HS Code 3208)
6.1.1. Export Development Based Polyester (HS Code 3208.10) Export Development varnish (including lacquers), exceeding 100 º C heat resistant Export Development Enamel paints and polymers based on acrylic / vinyl HS codes 3208200000 to 3208209000 Export Development varnish (including lacquers), not exceeding 100 º C heat resistant (HS Code: 3208901900-3208909000)
6.1.2. Paint and Varnish Export Development (including enamels and lacquers) are made from synthetic polymers or modified natural polymer chemistry, dispersed or dissolved in aqueous media (HS Code: 3209000000-3209900000) Made of acrylic or vinyl polymers
6.2. Development of Paints Export (HS Code 32081-32139 Year 2006 to 2011)
6.3. Development of Paints Import (HS Code 32081-32139 Year 2006 to 2011)
6.4. Paints by Commodity Export Development (HS Code 3208109000 to 9701100000 Year 2006 to 2011)
6.5. Development of the Paints by Commodity Import (HS Code 3208109000 to 9701100000 Year 2006 to 2011)
6.6. Paint Raw Material Export Development
6.6.1. Development of Export Solvent
6.6.2. Import developments Solvent
6.6.3. Development of Pigment Export
6.6.4. Development of Pigment Imports
6.6.5. Export Development Additive
6.6.6. Import developments Additive
6.6.7. Export Development Resins
6.6.8. Development of Resin Imports

7.1. AkzoNobel
7.1.1. Product of AkzoNobel
7.1.2. Management of AkzoNobel
7.1.3. AkzoNobel Organization
7.1.4. AkzoNobel Strategy
7.2. BASF
7.2.1. History of BASF
7.2.2. Structure and Organization of BASF
7.2.3. The Company's management and control by the Board of Executive Directors and the Supervisory Board
7.2.4. BASF Performance Chemicals
7.3. ICI Paints
7.3.1. ICI Paints and Coating Packaging
7.3.2. ICI Paints Products
7.3.3. ICI Paints Decorative Paints Market
7.3.4. ICI Paints Q3 Financial Statements – 2011
7.4. PPG Industries Inc..
7.4.1. PPG Industries Inc. product.
7.4.2. Corporate Governance
7.4.3. PPG Management Team
7.4.4. PPG Reports Record Third Quarter Revenues
7.5. Dupont
7.5.1. DuPont Board of Directors
7.5.2. DuPont Products
7.5.3. DuPont global scope of science and technology
7.5.4. DuPont FY 2010 Sales by Region
7.6. Asian Paint Ltd.
7.6.1. The presence of Asian Paints Ltd. at international level
7.6.2. About Asian Paint Ltd.
7.6.3. Market conditions in the Indian Paint Industry
7.6.4. The investment thinking
7.6.5. Asian Paints Ltd. a giant paint industry in India
7.6.6. Competition in the Indian paint industry becomes more intense with the entry of foreign players such as Jotun, Nippon & Sherwin Williams
7.6.7. Asian Paints Ltd.. buy land in Maharashtra for mega greenfield projects with capacity of 4 lakh tonnes per year. A number of Rs 735 cr to be spent on projects within the next 5 years
7.6.8. Asian Paints Ltd.. may see further price increases, if raw material prices continue to rise
7.6.9. Asian Paints Ltd.. advantage by selling phthalic anhydride (PAN) in the open market
7.6.10. Nearly half of the revenues received by the Indian paint industry is through the enamel
7.6.11. Middle East contributing the majority of sales of Asian Paints Ltd.. at international level
7.6.12. For 9MFY11, the company's net sales jumped 19.5% to Rs 5740.6 cr, compared to Rs 4804.2 cr in 9MFY10
7.6.13. Asian Paints net sales performance in Q2FY11 YoY due to the prolonged rainy season and festival season is delayed, but no recovery of sales in Q3FY11
7.6.14. Strong performance seen in the decorative paints business even though business does not match the performance of the paint industry
7.6.15. Crude oil prices have risen and this will increase the cost burden of industry players
7.6.16. The crisis in Egypt and Bahrain will have little impact on the business of Asian Paints Ltd.
7.6.17. SWOT Analysis
7.7. Berger International, Ltd..
7.7.1. Products and Services Berger International, Ltd.
7.7.2. Company Information Berger International, Ltd.
7.7.3. Statement of Chairman Berger International, Ltd.
7.7.4. Review of Operations Berger International, Ltd.
7.8. Paint and Coatings Industry in several countries
7.9. Coating consumption in Asia's most rapidly changing
7.10. World Economic Growth
7.11. Market Analysis (APAC Paint and Coating)
7.11.1. Market Analysis (Market Size by Value and Volume)
7.11.2. Market Analysis (Market Cat APAC)
7.11.3. Market Analysis (Cat Market Growth and Per Capita Consumption of Paint)
7.11.4. Coatings Industry Market Analysis by Segment
7.11.5. Market Analysis (Competitive Analysis)
7.12. Primary Industry in China
7.13. Main Countries (India)
7.14. Main Countries (Focus on ASEAN: Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam)
7.15. Main countries (Australia and New Zealand)
7.16. Major in Industrial Technology Coatings and Decorative (Layers Green Growth)
7.17. Key Technology (Technology Decorative Coating - Trend by region)
7.18. Key Technology (Radiation Cure Coatings Growth)
7.19. As critical success factors in Industrial Paints and Coatings


9.1. The basic principles of credit restructuring
9.2. Credit disbursement of increasingly aggressive

10.1. China and India encourage the growth of Asian coatings
10.2. Paint and Coating Demand in China, the largest in the Asia-Pacific
10.3. Paint and Coating Consumption in Middle Class India
10.4. The impact of the increased production of Paints on commodity raw materials
10.5. World Top Ten Players in Industrial Paints and Coatings

11.1. Conclusion
11.1.1. Prospects of Economic in Indonesia
11.1.2. Property Development Prospects in Indonesia
11.1.3. Production of Paints as the Prospective Property derivatives business
11.1.4. Most prospective residential sector consuming of Paints
11.2. Suggestion



A d d r e s s : Office
Jl. Walikota Mustajab 59, Ketabang, Genteng
Surabaya 60272
Phone : 031-5325994, 031-5325995
Fax : 031-5325994

Jl Kima Raya II Kav L/4
Makassar 90241
Phone : +62 (0411) 512811, 513513
Fax : +62 (0411) 512811

Jl. Raya Surabaya - Sidoarjo Km. 19
Desa Wadung Asih – Buduran 61252
Phone : +62 (031) 8968000

Date of Establishment : November 1st, 1978

S t a t u s : Private Limited Company, Foreign Based Company

C a t e g o r y : Foreign Investment Scheme (PMA)

Condition of Company : Good

Line of Business : Paint manufacturers, painting equipment,

Paint dealers, suppliers and service

Merk : Avian and Avitex

Production Capacity : 3,000 ton paint per month
1,050 ton paint per month/expansion

Number of Employees : 135 Workers

Board of Management : a. Mr. Wijono Tanoko (Director)
b. Mr. Hermawan (Director)
c. Mr. Mulyono (Director)
d. Mr. Hemanto Tanoko (Managing Director)
e. Mr. Johnny Lukas (Marketing Manager)
f. Mr. Citro M., SH (Personalia)

ISO : ISO 9001:2000 Certified

R E M A R K S :

List of products of PT. Avia Avian
Platinum Paint Remover is a mixture (compound) paints an effective exfoliating to remove / slough off enamel paint, lacquer, baking, printing, camphor, vermis, and others on the surface of iron and wood.

Use of Platinum remover does not damage the surface of iron and wood, very practical, saves time and labor tenaka, and can increase the productivity of work. Used paint cleaned with Platinum Paint Remover can not be burned.

No Drop is a leak proof coating of paint that has elastic properties, water-resistant, and extremely weather resistant so it is suitable for use on wall surfaces, concrete, asbestos, galvanized / zinc and terracotta surfaces. (Size 1 kg).

How to "NO DROP" to prevent leaks?

Leak-proof paint coatings "NO DROP" has been known in Indonesia. Starting from Sabang to Merauke, Drop No products have been used by the people of Indonesia.
In the wet season uncertain if it would be the downside of inhabited houses leak.

By using the No Drop as a paint coating anti-leak:

1. Eat better - because the food is not tertetes rainwater.
2. Sleep more comfortable - as mattresses and blankets are not wet rain dripping wet.
3. Watching TV more enjoyable - a TV show that takes place does not interfere with droplets of water into the bucket in the living room
4. Small children can play more freely without worrying exposed to standing water in the house.
Immediately use the "NO DROP" as your leak proof coating paint. Get all the benefits of the paint coating anti-leak "NO DROP" for your home. It's time your home free of distractions leak with "NO DROP".
Avian High Gloss Enamel Paint is a high-grade synthetic paints for exterior and interior. Can be used on wood and iron. This paint gives a very hlus layer with a beautiful gloss, easily washable, mildew resistant and provides a strong layer.

Super Quick Drying 2-3 hours.

How to Use :

Surface to be painted should be clean and free from dirt, paint - peeling paint, oil, dust and other impurities. Sand the surface well before painting, and especially the part that still looks there is shiny coating. The parts of the surface defects should be repaired as necessary beforehand. Can be applied with a brush and spray.

Warning :
Note the circulation of air during painting. Cover the cans when not in use. Keep in a cool place. Take away from the reach of children. Do not get in eyes. Dispose of residues allowed in place to prevent pollution.

Avian High Gloss Enamel Paint is a high-grade synthetic paints for exterior and interior. Can be used on wood and iron. This paint gives a very hlus layer with a beautiful gloss, easily washable, mildew resistant and provides a strong layer.

Avian Aluminium Paint Chrome Finish 100cc
Avian Aluminium Paint is ideal for use on radiators, furnace, steam pipes, because this product is known to have heat resistant to properties. Avian Aluminium Paint is excellent to protect and decorate all exposed surfaces such as gas tanks, fences and other metal object with require chrome finish. ISO 9001:2000 Certified

Direction for use:
Apply with brush, during application try to brush in one direction. Stir the paint occasionally while using.

Before coating, please ensure that surfaces are perfectly clean, dry and free from rust, dirt or grease. Apply a coat of rust inhibitive primer followed by Avian Aluminium Paint on old metal surfaces.

Avian Aluminium Paint Chrome Finish 0.75 ltr
Avian Aluminium Paint is ideal for use on radiators, furnace, steam pipes, because this product is known to have heat resistant to properties. Avian Aluminium Paint is excellent to protect and decorate all exposed surfaces such as gas tanks, fences and other metal object with require chrome finish. ISO 9001:2000 Certified.

Direction for use:

Apply with brush, during application try to brush in one direction. Stir the paint occasionally while using.

Before coating, please ensure that surfaces are perfectly clean, dry and free from rust, dirt or grease. Apply a coat of rust inhibitive primer followed by Avian Aluminium Paint on old metal surfaces.

Invest Rp. 30 Billion, Increase Capacity 
Market demand for high-quality paint products to PT. Avia Avian, Avian Paints brand paint manufacturer, plans to increase its production capacity next year. If during the production capacity 3,000 tons of paint per month, starting early next year that capacity is expected to increase 35 percent. Approximately USD 30 billion fund set up to build a new production unit at its main factory area in Sidoarjo Buduran.

According Hemanto Tanoko, managing director of PT. Avia Avian, the decision to add production capacity is related to the huge market potential still paint products for the upper middle segment in Indonesia. According to him, every year our consumer demand to rise an average of 20 percent.

Two months before Fitri, Christmas and New Year, the market demand it even rose dramatically to 50 percent higher than normal months. "So our production unit must run continuously, so that our goods in the market is not empty," added Ruslan Tanoko, assistant director of PT. Avia Avian.

Since its establishment on 1 November 1978, Avia Avian currently has 70 brands of paint products on the market with 5,000 variants. With a vision to build integrated plant (factory integrated), Avia Avian currently has succeeded in having its own industrial paint production support. Starting from the plant resin (paint raw materials) in Tuban, until the factory packaging and label printing Buduran brand in Sidoarjo. With a focus on serving the middle market, marketing paint Paints Avian assisted by 20 distributors and 3,000 outlets in all provinces in Indonesia.

Regarding investment to increase production capacity, Hermanto mention will add a new production unit at the plant site Buduran. "We have already operates eight production units in Buduran, we planned to add one more by opening new land that we bought from the former flour mill that has been closed. The source of funding investment of Rp 30 billion, is mentioned Hermanto comes from a bank.

The target of the expansion of the factory, Avia Avian panetrasi ambition to strengthen the market in the type of paint decoration. "Our production is 60 per cent of decorative paints, industrial paints and the remaining 15 percent of automotive paint. Especially for automotive paint, Avia Avian have trusted the largest U.S. manufacturer of automotive paint The Sherwin Williams Co. ie. To manufacture and market brand products in Indonesia

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