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Thursday, April 14, 2016


Garis Besar Isi Buku :

Outline of Book Contents :


Pelanggan yang kami cintai!
Salam sejahtera.

Semoga kita semua ada dalam lindungan Tuhan!

Latar Belakang CV. Commercial Global Data Research (CDR)

Kami adalah sebuah lembaga Konsultan, Survey, Riset dan Pelaporan Independen di bidang penyediaan riset data secara menyeluruh, menyajikan berbagai informasi bisnis aktual yang meliputi sektor Industri manufaktur, pertambangan, perbankan, asuransi, studi kelayakan, profil perusahaan, dan jasa riset lainnya.

Kami hadir sebagai mitra konsultan anda, untuk membantu menyediakan informasi aktual yang diperlukan guna menentukan arah kebijakan dalam mengembangkan perusahaan anda.  Salah satu produk buku studi yang kami tawarkan kepada anda adalah: “BUKU STUDI TENTANG KONDISI PASAR DAN KINERJA INDUSTRI BAN DI INDONESIA, 2016".

Kami tawarkan buku tersebut seharga Rp. 7.000.000 (Tujuh juta rupiah), guna membantu para pelaku bisnis pada industri ban, membantu para Investor, membantu pihak perbankan atau kreditor, dan pihak lainnya yang terkait, dengan cara melihat peta kekuatan diantara para pesaing/partner anda, baik pesaing dari luar negeri maupun dalam negeri, mempelajari perkembangan ekspor dan impor, mengetahui hambatan dan peluang bagi perusahaan yang kondisinya berfluktuasi, mengetahui pangsa pasar dalam negeri maupun luar negeri, serta informasi lainnya yang diperlukan oleh para pembaca.

Seberapa besar kontribusi perusahaan anda dalam meningkatkan kapasitas produksi guna memenuhi pesanan dari para buyer baik lokal maupun internasional, mencermati setiap peluang yang ada, dan diharapkan dengan memiliki buku ini, perusahaan anda menjadi lebih produktif, efisien, lebih maju dan bersaing secara sehat.

Studi ini tentunya kami dukung dengan data statistik, baik berbentuk tabel, grafik, dan gambar, agar para pembaca semakin jelas melihat perkembangan setiap lini produk utama dan bahan baku ban yang menjadi produk unggulan dari Indonesia. 

Industri ban di Indonesia turut berkembang pesat seiring dengan pertumbuhan industri otomotif, baik mobil maupun motor.  Ban menjadi salah satu komponen yang paling penting bagi kendaraan, juga dapat memberikan keuntungan bagi para pemain di industri ini.

Faktor keselamatan dalam berkendara menjadi penting, mengingat kondisi jalanan di Indonesia yang masih jauh dari kondisi yang ideal. Oleh karena itu, setiap pengendara pasti akan melakukan penggantian disaat kondisi ban sudah tidak layak pakai.

Merek-merek yang menjadi pilihan favorit para konsumen untuk ban masih didominasi oleh merek dari produsen luar negeri. Tentu saja hal ini menjadi tantangan tersendiri bagi para produsen ban lokal untuk memenangkan persaingan. Dari hasil penelitian yang dilakukan untuk melihat alasan konsumen melakukan pemilihan merek ban, ditemukan bahwa untuk ban mobil, konsumen lebih mempertimbangkan faktor keawetan ban saat digunakan, baru kemudian konsumen melihat harga yang terjangkau untuk ban-ban tersebut dan setelah itu barulah desain tapak ban yang menarik.

Untuk kendaraan sepeda motor sendiri terdapat dua jenis ban, yakni ban luar dan ban dalam. Ternyata terdapat perbedaan yang cukup besar dalam alasan yang melatarbelakangi pembelian ban luar dan dalam. Untuk ban luar konsumen lebih cenderung mementingkan harga yang terjangkau dari seluruh pilihan merek yang ada, barulah kemudian konsumen akan mempertimbangkan mengenai keawetan dari ban itu sendiri serta merek yang menaungi ban tersebut.

Sedangkan untuk ban dalam, faktor keawetan yang membuat ban dalam tidak cepat bocor menjadi pertimbangan utama, biasanya mereka mengetahui keawetan ban tersebut hasil rekomendasi dari penjual/bengkel/mekanik secara langsung. Setelah itu barulah kemudian mereka mempertimbangkan mengenai harga produk tersebut. Perbedaan pola perilaku konsumen yang cukup unik ini perlu mendapat perhatian dari para produsen, sehingga dapat menentukan strategi yang jitu untuk menjual setiap jenis produknya.

Ban nasional

Industri ban nasional belakangan menunjukan perkembangan cukup pesat, seiring dengan tumbuhnya industri otomotif. Meskipun sempat terpuruk pada tahun 2009 lalu, namun pada tahun 2010 berangsur-angsur membaik, bahkan produksi maupun penjualannya mengalami peningkatan cukup signifikan. Produksi ban mobil misalnya, naik sekitar 28,8%, dan ban motor sekitar 43,2%. Pada tahun yang sama, penjualan ban di pasar replacement naik 23,8%, pasar OE 54,4%, dan ekspor naik 25,4%.

Kolerasi pertumbuhan ekonomi dapat dijadikan acuan potensi industri ban beberapa tahun ke depan. Sebagai gambaran pada tahun 2005 produksi ban nasional naik 16%, ketika pertumbuhan ekonomi mencapai 7,2%. Pada tahun 2010 lalu, produksi ban meningkat 33,7% saat perekonomian tumbuh 5,8%. Berdasarkan laporan IMF, pada tahun 2011 pertumbuhan ekonomi Indonesia naik 6,2% dan produksi otomotif dunia naik 8,9% menjadi 64 juta unit. Karena itu, produktivitas industri ban Indonesia diperkirakan akan semakin tinggi mengikuti pertumbuhan industri mobil dan motor didalam maupun diluar negeri.

Sementara itu, menurut Ketua Umum Asosiasi Perusahaan Ban Indonesia (APBI), Aziz Pane, bahwa peningkatan ekspor ban keluar negeri masih terhambat infrastruktur pelabuhan. Aziz mengharapkan adanya perbaikan khususnya untuk infrastruktur pelabuhan yang terkait pada kegiatan bongkar muat, karena pelabuhan tersebut dipergunakan untuk melakukan kegiatan ekspor impor.

Peningkatan ekspor ban tersebut mendapatkan perhatian khusus dari Menteri Perindustrian yang telah memanggil para eksportir untuk melihat dimana dan apa hambatannya. Selain itu industri ban juga sulit mengkalkulasi biaya, karena dolar Amerika Serikat yang fluktuatif.

Ekspor ban sendiri baru pada tahun 2012 lalu mengalami penurunan jika dibandingkan tahun-tahun sebelumnya yang selalu mengalami peningkatan kurang lebih 4 sampai 7%. 

Sebelum tahun 2012, nilai ekspor ban dari Indonesia mencapai 1,2 miliar dolar AS, namun pada tahun 2012 menurun menjadi USS 950 juta.  Selain itu, penurunan ekspor ban tersebut juga dikarenakan krisis global dan kekacauan yang terjadi di Mesir yang berpengaruh terhadap pasar Eropa, padahal itu pasar yang paling besar kurang lebih 30 % ekspor ban Indonesia masuk ke negara tersebut.

Sedangkan menurut data dari Asosiasi Perusahaan Ban Indonesia (APBI), penjualan industri ban tahun 2016 diperkirakan mencapai 38 juta hingga 38,5 juta unit atau stagnan dari tahun sebelumnya, akibat melambatnya kondisi ekonomi.

Perinciannya, penjualan domestik diprediksi berkisar 8 juta sampai 8,5 juta unit, sedangkan ekspor 30 juta unit. Stagnasi pasar bakal berlangsung hingga kuartal III 2016 dan penjualan diharapkan meningkat pada kuartal IV.

Diprediksi akhir tahun 2016 industri ban bisa bergerak, asalkan Indonesia tidak terimbas dari kenaikan suku bunga acuan Amerika Serikat (AS) atau Fed Funds Rate (FFR) yang dapat memukul rupiah. Ini akan berimbas kepada industri hilir, karena sebagian bahan baku masih diimpor.

Lesunya pasar ban tahun 2015 dan tahun 2016 tidak main-main. Karena itu belum bisa memberikan gambaran pasti situasi ke depan seperti apa. Banyak industri yang lebih fokus untuk bertahan dibandingkan berekspansi. Oleh karena itu, jika kinerja industri ban tahun 2016 bisa seperti tahun 2015 saja, itu sudah termasuk bagus.

Penurunan penjualan ban domestik sudah terjadi sejak 2013 lalu, dengan volume mencapai 10 juta unit. Kemudian pada tahun 2014, penjualan turun menjadi sekitar 9 juta unit. Padahal pada tahun 2011 penjualan ban bisa mencapai 11,4 juta unit.  Bukan hanya pasar dalam negeri yang melemah, tetapi pasar ekspor juga mengalami penurunan.  Dan selama kurun waktu 2011 hingga 2014, ekspor ban berkisar 35 juta unit sampai 45 juta unit. 


1.1. Latar belakang
1.2. Tujuan dan ruang lingkup
1.3. Sumber data dan informasi

2.1. Karet
2.1.1. Perkembangan luas areal perkebunan karet di Indonesia
2.1.2. Perkembangan produksi karet di Indonesia
2.1.3. Perkembangan ekspor karet Indonesia
2.1.4. Perkembangan impor karet Indonesia
2.1.5. Peta perkebunan karet Indonesia
2.1.6. Luas areal perkebunan karet dan produksi karet Indonesia menurut status pengusahaan, 2013-2015
2.1.7. Luas areal perkebunan karet Indonesia menurut status pengusahaan dan keadaan tanaman, 2013-2015
2.1.8. Luas areal perkebunan karet dan produksi, menurut provinsi dan status pengusahaan, 2013-2015
2.1.9. Perkembangan volume ekspor karet alam, menurut jenis komoditi, 2012-2014
2.1.10. Perkembangan nilai ekspor karet alam, menurut jenis komoditi, 2012-2014
2.1.11. Perkembangan volume dan nilai ekspor karet alam menurut negara tujuan, 2013-2014
2.1.12. Perkembangan volume dan nilai ekspor latex, menurut negara tujuan, 2013-2014
2.1.13. Volume dan nilai ekspor karet alam menurut jenis komoditi dan negara tujuan, 2013-2014
2.1.14. Perkembangan volume ekspor karet sintetis menurut jenis komoditi, 2012-2014
2.1.15. Perkembangan nilai ekspor karet sintetis menurut jenis komoditi, 2012-2014
2.1.16. Volume dan nilai ekspor karet sintetis menurut jenis komoditi dan negara tujuan, 2013-2014
2.1.17. Perkembangan volume impor karet alam menurut jenis komoditi, 2012-2014
2.1.18. Volume dan nilai impor karet alam menurut negara asal, 2013-2014
2.1.19. Volume dan nilai impor latex dan SIR menurut negara asal, 2013-2014
2.1.20. Volume dan nilai impor latex dan SIR menurut negara asal, 2013-2014
2.1.21. Volume dan nilai impor karet alam menurut jenis komoditi dan negara asal, 2013-2014
2.1.22. Volume dan nilai impor karet sintetis menurut jenis komoditi, 2012-2014
2.1.23. Volume dan nilai impor karet sintetis menurut jenis komoditi dan negara asal, 2013-2014
2.1.24. Luas, produksi dan ekspor karet alam negara anggota ANRPC, 2006-2011
2.2. Keunggulan karet alam dibandingkan karet sintetis

3.1. Produksi ban dan karet
3.1.1. Tahapan produksi ban
3.1.2. Pembuatan struktur dalam (carcass) dan penambahan strip karet pada dinding dan telapak
3.1.3. Molding and curing 
3.1.4. Produk karet lainnya
3.2. Bagaimana sebuah ban dibuat?
3.2.1. Komponen sebuah ban
3.2.2. Proses pembuatan ban
3.2.3. Memahami dan membaca kode ban
3.3. Proses pembuatan ban mobil
3.3.1. Proses pembuatan ban

4.1. Industri otomotif di Indonesia
4.1.1. Struktur industri kendaraan bermotor Karakteristik industri kendaraan bermotor di Indonesia Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merek (ATPM) Kapasitas produksi Tahun 2011 produksi mulai meningkat pesat
4.1.2. Dorong perkembangan industri otomotif
4.1.3. Perkembangan jumlah kendaraan bermotor menurut jenis
4.1.4. Pangsa pasar otomotif dalam negeri, ekspor dan impor menurut kategori, 2015-2011
4.1.5. Produksi otomotif dalam negeri menurut kategori, 2015-2011
4.1.6. Penjualan otomotif di Indonesia menurut merk, 2010-2014
4.1.7. Produksi otomotif di Indonesia menurut merk, 2010-2014
4.1.8. Penjualan otomotif di Indonesia menurut provinsi, 2014
4.1.9. Penjualan otomotif di Indonesia menurut principal, 2010-2014
4.1.10. Produksi otomotif di Indonesia menurut principal, 2010-2014
4.1.11. Penjualan menurut provinsi, 2008-2014
4.1.12. Roadmap industri otomotif
4.1.13. Peta industri otomotif di ASEAN Daya saing industri otomotif Indonesia di ASEAN Insentif fiskal industri otomotif
4.2. Industri sepeda motor
4.2.1. Kapasitas produksi meningkat didorong pemain besar
4.2.2. Sejumlah pemain investasi pabrik baru
4.2.3. Produksi meningkat kembali di tahun 2011
4.2.4. Perkembangan produksi sepeda motor di Indonesia dan ekspornya
4.2.5. Honda produsen terbesar
4.2.6. Penjualan tembus 6 juta unit di tahun 2008
4.2.7. Honda masih memimpin
4.2.8. Pangsa skuter otomatik meningkat
4.2.9. Persaingan semakin keras
4.2.10. Honda menyesuaikan harga terendah pada model baru sepeda motor bebek
4.2.11. Yamaha lebih kuat membangun citra
4.3. Industri alat berat
4.3.1. Jenis alat berat
4.3.2. Produsen alat berat di Indonesia
4.3.3. Produksi menurut jenis
4.3.4. Investasi

5.1. Ruang lingkup industri karet dan barang karet
5.2. Pengelompokan industri karet dan barang karet
5.2.1. Kelompok industri hulu
5.2.2. Kelompok industri antara (setengah jadi)
5.2.3. Kelompok industri hilir
5.3. Kecenderungan global industri karet dan barang karet
5.3.1. Kecenderungan yang telah terjadi
5.3.2. Kecenderungan yang akan terjadi
5.3.3. Analisis terhadap kecenderungan yang telah dan akan terjadi
5.4. Permasalahan yang dihadapi industri karet dan barang karet
5.4.1. Karet alam (on farm)
5.4.2. Produk karet (off farm)
5.5. Perkembangan produksi dan ekspor karet alam Indonesia

6.1. Menteri perindustrian dorong industri ban ekspansi ke hulu dan olahan
6.2. Kembangkan industri ban nasional, Menteri Perdagangan perketat impor ban
6.3. Perang harga ban di ASEAN
6.3.1. Penjual pusing
6.4. Bekasi menjadi lokasi pabrik baru ban asal Taiwan Rp4,28 triliun
6.5. Industri ban masih menjadi andalan di tingkat global
6.6. Nilai investasi di industri ban mencapai US$ 2,2 miliar
6.7. PT Gajah Tunggal membangun pabrik baru, kapasitas ban radial naik 5 kali lipat
6.7.1. Kondisi industri
6.8. Pabrik Pirelli-Astra siap produksi 1,5 juta unit ban 
6.9. Goodyear luncurkan ban baru, Assurance Duraplus 
6.10. Yoshikazu Shida, Direktur Utama PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia: “Pasar Indonesia unik”
6.11. Pertumbuhan industri otomotif berdampak positif bagi industri komponen
6.12. Cheng Sin akan membangun pabrik ban di Indonesia
6.13. Indonesia bangun pabrik ban di Kazakhstan
6.14. Produsen ban asal Perancis membangun pabrik senilai USD 400 Juta, jadikan Indonesia basis produksi
6.15. Ban kebanggaan bangsa hadir di GIIAS 2015
6.16. Michelin, raksasa industri ban, bangun pabrik di Indonesia, diharuskan serap karet petani lokal
6.17. Enam produsen ban dari Goodyear hingga Gajah Tunggal terbukti kartel, didenda Rp 25 miliar
6.18. Industri ban harus investasi di perkebunan karet 
6.19. Pemerintah perketat aturan impor ban
6.20. Banyak gunakan komponen impor, pelaku industri ban tertekan
6.21. Bos Gajah Tunggal nilai tudingan kartel aneh
6.22. Saleh Husin bingung industri ban dituding kartel
6.23. Standarisasi ban di Indonesia tinggi, produsen ban luar negeri protes
6.24. KPPU meminta semua pihak hargai proses sidang kartel ban
6.25. Indonesia akan jadi pusat pengembangan industri ban
6.26. Industri ban ditaksir saingi industri otomotif
6.27. Shandong O'Green Tyre Co. Ltd. Group bangun pabrik di Karawang Rp 4,5 triliun
6.28. Produksi ban 2011 turun 9%
6.29. Penjualan ban kebutuhan pabrik turun
6.30. 13 perusahaan ban nasional produksi 50 juta unit
6.31. Pasar ban nasional bakal tumbuh signifikan
6.32. Kementerian perindustrian terus kembangkan industri ban
6.33. APBI optimis penjualan ban domestik meningkat
6.34. Bridgestone Tire Indonesia menunjuk presiden direktur terbaru
6.35. Industri ban serap 55% karet alam Indonesia
6.36. Survey potensi industri untuk pembangunan industri ban pesawat terbang di Indonesia
6.37. Industri ban pada tahun 2014 kurang bergairah
6.38. Penjualan ban domestik lesu, Multistrada rombak strategi
6.39. Cuan baru produksi ban SUV dan truk
6.40. PT Gajah Tunggal luncurkan ban baru
6.41. Otomotif lesu, penjualan ban melemah
6.42. Industri ban diharapkan ekspansi ke hulu
6.43. Ekspor ban Indonesia terganjal tudingan kartel
6.44. Mulai Juli 2015, Pirelli produksi ban motor di Indonesia
6.45. Penjualan mobil turun 14 persen pada triwulan I-2015
6.46. Produksi ban Achilles tumbuh 40 % - 50 %
6.47. Pabrik ban Pirelli, bisa memproduksi 7 juta ban setahun
6.48. Bridgestone Indonesia bidik pasar mancanegara dengan produk barunya
6.49. Bangun pabrik baru, kapasitas ban radial Gajah Tunggal naik 5 kali lipat
6.50. Multistrada tambah kapasitas produksi ban
6.51. Goodyear luncurkan ban terbarunya, Assurance Duraplus
6.52. Ekspor ban dari Indonesia meningkat pesat
6.53. Pengaruh Cina pada industri karet dan ban dunia
6.54. Bridgestone kuasai 35% market share ban di tanah air
6.55. Multistrada siapkan US$ 30 juta menambah mesin
6.56. Pabrik baru Mitsubishi di bekasi mampu serap 2.800 pekerja
6.57. Produksi ban Multistrada 24 jam hasilkan 41.000 unit sehari
6.58. Kapasitas produksi mobil di Indonesia mencapai 2 juta unit per tahun
6.59. Produsen ban Maxxis siap bangun pabrik ban di Cikarang
6.60. Bridgestone tahan kenaikan harga ban
6.61. Fasilitas pabrik PT Gajah Tunggal, Tbk.
6.62. PT Sumi Rubber Indonesia terus berkomitmen menjaga kualitas produknya “DUNLOP” di Indonesia 
6.63. Kinerja industri ban luar dan ban dalam 
6.65. Kinerja industri sepeda motor roda dua dan tiga
6.67. Kinerja industri karet buatan
6.69. Kinerja ekspor industri ban, 2012-2015
6.70. Kinerja impor industri vulkanisir ban, 2012-2015
6.71. Kinerja impor industri ban luar dan ban dalam, 2012-2015
6.72. Kinerja ekspor industri ban luar dan ban dalam, 2012-2015
6.73. Kinerja industri vulkanisir ban Indonesia menurut KBLI
6.74. Tiga puluh negara tujuan ekspor terbesar untuk produk hasil industri Indonesia, 2012-2015
6.75. Pemantauan ekspor 31 kelompok hasil industri Indonesia, 2012-2015
6.75.1. Ekspor ke Amerika Serikat 
6.75.2. Ekspor ke Republik Rakyat Cina
6.75.3. Ekspor ke Jepang
6.75.4. Ekspor ke Singapura
6.75.5. Ekspor ke India
6.75.6. Ekspor ke Malaysia
6.75.7. Ekspor ke Thailand
6.75.8. Ekspor ke Korea Selatan
6.75.9. Ekspor ke Belanda
6.75.10. Ekspor ke Australia
6.75.11. Ekspor ke Filipina
6.75.12. Ekspor ke Jerman
6.75.13. Ekspor ke Vietnam
6.75.14. Ekspor ke Vietnam
6.75.15. Ekspor ke Saudi Arabia
6.75.16. Ekspor ke Uni Emirat Arab
6.75.17. Ekspor ke Pakistan
6.75.18. Ekspor ke Italia
6.75.19. Ekspor ke Hongkong
6.75.20. Ekspor ke Inggris
6.75.21. Ekspor ke Spanyol
6.75.22. Ekspor ke Bangladesh
6.75.23. Ekspor ke Brazil
6.75.24. Ekspor ke Mesir
6.75.25. Ekspor ke Turki
6.75.26. Ekspor ke Swiss
6.75.27. Ekspor ke Belgia
6.75.28. Ekspor ke Perancis
6.75.29. Ekspor ke Federasi Rusia
6.75.30. Ekspor ke Meksiko
6.76. Pemantauan ekspor kelompok hasil industri pengolahan karet, 2012-2015
6.77. Pemantauan ekspor kelompok hasil industri pengolahan karet menurut negara, 2012-2015
6.78. Kinerja Industri Indonesia menurut Klasifikasi Baku Lapangan Usaha Indonesia, Tahun 2013
6.79. Perkembangan ekspor karet dan produk olahan karet Indonesia, 2012-2015
6.80. Perkembangan ekspor karet dalam bentuk remah menurut negara tujuan utama
6.81. GAPKINDO dorong regulasi penyerapan karet alam
6.82. Resi gudang untuk karet sulit diterapkan
6.83. Kalimantan Timur butuh pabrik pengolahan karet
6.84. Indonesia tawarkan investasi CPO-karet pada Jepang
6.85. Kapasitas produksi ban kendaraan roda 4 dan 2
6.86. Perkembangan ekspor ban kendaraan roda 4 & roda 2
6.87. Perkembangan impor ban kendaraan roda 4 & roda 2
6.88. Perkembangan kebutuhan ban dalam negeri
6.89. Perkembangan ban luar dan ban dalam (Indikator: Jumlah unit, nilai produksi, jumlah tenaga kerja)
6.90. Kinerja industri ban kendaraan roda 4 dan 2 (Produksi, ekspor, impor dan demand), 2011-2015
6.91. Kinerja produksi, replacement, original equipment, dan pemasaran ban mobil
6.92. Kinerja nilai industri ban kendaraan roda 4 dan 2 (Produksi, ekspor, impor dan demand), 2011-2015

7.1. Kebijakan pemerintah
7.1.1. Kebijakan di bidang impor
7.1.2. Kebijakan di bidang ekspor

7.2. Pemerintah melindungi dan mengembangkan usaha nasional agar bersaing

7.3. Peran masyarakat mendukung program pemerintah

7.4. Masukan


8.1. Badan Standardisasi Nasional (BSN)

8.2. Fungsi Badan Standardisasi Nasional
8.3. Kewenangan BSN
8.4. Tentang SNI
8.5. Semua ban wajib penuhi SNI
8.6. Aturan SNI kabel dan ban diterbitkan
8.7. Daftar SNI ban yang telah diberlakukan secara wajib

9.1. Ekonomi makro dan kebutuhan investasi
9.1.1. Perkembangan terakhir perekonomian nasional
9.1.2. Sasaran dan perkiraan besaran ekonomi makro tahun 2016
9.1.3. Kebutuhan investasi dan sumber pembiayaan
9.1.4. Resiko perlambatan ekonomi
9.1.5. Antisipasi perlambatan penciptaan lapangan pekerjaan dan penurunan tingkat kemiskinan
9.2. Faktor pendorong kemajuan ekonomi
9.2.1. Investasi
9.2.2. Ekspor
9.2.3. Penguatan kapasitas fiskal Negara
9.2.4. Jasa keuangan
9.2.5. Peningkatan efisiensi pasar tenaga kerja
9.2.6. Peningkatan peran BUMN sebagai agen pembangunan

10.1. Pangsa pasar menurut pemain kunci
10.2. Trend permintaan
10.3. Pangsa pasar global
10.4. Komposisi bahan baku ban

11.1. Ban sepeda motor
11.2. Ban mobil

12.1. Harga karet di Thailand
12.2. Harga karet di Malaysia
12.3. Harga karet di Indonesia

13.1. Ekspor menurut komoditi
13.1.1. Ekspor ban mobil penumpang (Kode HS 4011100000), 2011-2015
13.1.2. Ekspor ban yang telah terpasang pada pelek (ban mobil penumpang) - Kode HS 8708702200 – 8708702900, 2012-2015
13.1.3. Ekspor ban truk dan bus (Kode HS 4011201000), 2011-2015
13.1.4. Ekspor ban yang telah terpasang pada pelek (ban truk dan bus) - Kode HS 8708702200 - 8708702900, 2012-2015
13.1.5. Ekspor ban truk ringan (Kode HS 4011100000), 2011-2015
13.1.6. Ekspor ban yang telah terpasang pada pelek (ban truk ringan) Kode HS 8708702200 - 8708702900, 2012-2015
13.1.7. Ekspor ban sepeda motor (Kode HS 4011400000), 2011-2015
13.1.8. Ekspor ban yang telah terpasang pada pelek (ban sepeda motor), Kode HS 8708702200 - 8708702900, 2012-2015
13.2. Impor menurut komoditi
13.2.1. Impor ban mobil penumpang (Kode HS 4011100000), 2011-2015
13.2.2. Impor ban yang telah terpasang pada pelek (ban mobil penumpang) - Kode HS 8708702200 – 8708702900, 2012-2015
13.2.3. Impor ban truk dan bus (Kode HS 4011201000), 2011-2015
13.2.4. Impor ban yang telah terpasang pada pelek (ban truk dan bus), Kode HS 8708702200 - 8708702900, 2012-2015

13.2.5. Impor ban truk ringan (Kode HS 4011100000), 2011-2015

13.2.6. Impor ban yang telah terpasang pada pelek (ban truk ringan) - Kode HS 8708702200 - 8708702900, 2012-2015

13.2.7. Impor ban sepeda motor (Kode HS 4011400000), 2011-2015

13.2.8. Impor ban yang telah terpasang pada pelek (ban sepeda motor) Kode HS 8708702200 - 8708702900, 2012-2015


14.1. Kesimpulan

14.2. Saran

DIREKTORI ---------------------------------------------------

Examples of company profiles (tire manufacturer) 

1.    PT. Gajah Tunggal, Tbk.

A d d r e s s                   :  Head Office

                                            Wisma Hayam Wuruk 10th Floor

                                            Jl. Hayam Wuruk 8, Jakarta 10120


                                            Telp           : +62.21.3805916 – 20
                                            Fax             : +62.21.3804908
                                            E-mail        :
                                            Site             :
                                            Plant 1
                                            Komplek Industri Gajah Tunggal
                                            Jl. Gajah Tunggal, Desa Pasir Jaya
                                            Kecamatan Jati Uwung, Tangerang
                                            Telp           : +62.21.5901309
                                            Fax             : +62.21.5901283
                                            Plant 2
                                            Desa Mangunrejo, Bojonegara
                                            Serang, Banten
                                            Telp           : +62.254.5750931
                                            Fax             : +62.254.5750929

Date of Establishment   :   a. 24 August 1951 as NV Perusahaan
                                                Pabrik Karet HOK THAY HIN
                                            b. 2 May 1961 as PT Gadjah Tunggal
                                            c. 24 Sept 1996 as PT Gajah Tungggal Tbk
Legal Status                   : PT Tbk. (Limited Liability & Public
                                            Listed Company
C a t e g o r y                : National Private and Domestic Investment
                                            (PMDN) Company
P e r m i t s                     :  The Capital Investment Coordinating Board
                                            – No. 41/A/SP.01b/BKPM/XII/1976,
                                               Dated 7 December 1976
                                            – No. 45/II/PMDN/1981, 4 August 1981
                                            – No. 18/II/PMDN/1987, 16 Feb. 1987
                                            – No. 180/II/PMDN/1991, 18 Sept. 1991
                                            – No. 14/II/PMDN/1994, 12 Jan. 1994
                                            – No. 84/T/INDUSTRI/1994, 9 Feb.1994
                                            – No. 60/II/PMDN/1997, 7 April 1997
                                            – No. 69/II/PMDN/2004, 3 Nov. 2004
                                            – No. 42/II/PMDN/2005, 23 May 2005
                                            – No. 48/III/PMDN/2007, 8 May 2007
                                            – No. 54/III/PMDN/2007, 31 May 2007
Lines of Business         :  a. Tire, nylon tire cord & rubber
                                                products industry
                                            b. Investment holding
Production Capacity   : 
a. Bicycle tires & tubes                    –   6,784,000 pairs p.a.
b. Motorcycle & scooter tires         – 10,500,000 pairs p.a.
c. Car tire & tubes                            –   4,900,000 pairs p.a.
d. Radial tires                                    –   8,700,000 pairs p.a.
Expansion Unit
a. Automotive tires                           –   2,330,000 pcs p.a.
b. Motorcycle/scoter tires               –      400,000 pcs p.a.
c. Motorcycle/scooter tubes           –   6,000,000 pcs p.a.

Expansion Unit (2004)

a. Nylon tire cord                              –        40,000 tons p.a.

b. Belt cord                                         –              600 tons p.a.

c. Styrene butadiene rubber          –        80,000 tons p.a.

Expansion Unit (2005)

a. Car tire                                           –   6,631,000 pcs p.a.
b. Motorcycle tires                            – 26,882,960 pcs p.a.
c. Motorcycle tubes                          – 35,317,960 pcs p.a.
Market                            : Export & Domestic
Capitalization               : 
a. Authorized Capital    - Rp. 6,000,000,000,000
b. Issued Capital            - Rp. 1,584,000,000,000
c. Paid Up Capital          - Rp. 1,584,000,000,000
Shareholder (s)            : 
a. Compagnie Financiere Michelin Denham PTE Limited
b. Global Union Fiber Investment Limited
c. Lightspeed Resources Limited
d. The Publics
Total Investment          : 
a. Equity Capital             – Rp.    474.0 billion
b. Reinvestment Profit – Rp.      26.0 billion
c. Loan Capital                – Rp.    573.4 billion
Total Investment             – Rp. 1,073.4 billion
Expansion (2004)
a. Equity Capital             – Rp. ——-
b. Loan Capital                – Rp. 1,828.9 billion
Total Investment             – Rp. 1,828.9 billion
Expansion (2005)
a. Equity Capital             – Rp. ——-
b. Loan Capital                – Rp. 2,456 billion
Total Investment             – Rp. 2,456 billion
Total Asset (2006)       :  Rp. 7,276,025 million
B a n k e r (s)                 :  a. PT Bank MANDIRI Tbk.
                                            b. PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk.
Started Operation       : 1953
Total Employees         : 14,657 persons
Associated Companies     : Member of The Gajah Tunggal Group

R E M A R K S :
The Company owns and operates the largest integrated tire manufacturing facility in Indonesia. The Company was established in 1951 as bicycle tire manufacturer and over the years, expanded its production capacity and diversified initially into the manufacture of motorcycle tires and tubes and eventually into the manufacture of passenger and commercial vehicle tires.

The Company started producing motorcycle tires in 1973 and began manufacturing bias tires for passenger and commercial vehicles in 1981. In 1993, the Company started producing and selling radial tires for passenger cars and light trucks. In 2010, the Company initiated the development of TBR tire production capability.

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Background of CV. Commercial Global Data Research (CDR)

We are an institution Consultant, Survey, Research and Independent Reporting in the provision of data and research as a whole, presents a variety of real-time business information covering the manufacturing industry sector, mining, banking, insurance, feasibility studies, company profiles, and other research services.

We are here as your consulting partner, to help provide real-time information necessary to determine the direction of policy in developing your company. One study book products that we offer to you is: "BOOK STUDY ON MARKET CONDITIONS AND PERFORMANCE TIRE INDUSTRY IN INDONESIA, 2016".

We offer the book for Rp. 7,000,000 (Seven million rupiahs), to help businesses in the tire industry, assist investors, helping the banks or creditors, and other relevant parties, by looking at the map of power among the competitors / your partner, either a competitor from outside and domestic, studying the development of export and import, knowing the obstacles and opportunities for companies that condition fluctuated, knowing the market share domestically and abroad, as well as other information required by the reader.
How big is your company's contribution in increasing production capacity to fulfill orders from buyers both locally and internationally, look at every opportunity, and it is expected to have this book, your company become more productive, efficient, more advanced and compete fairly.
This study of course we are supported by statistical data, either in the form of tables, graphs, and images, so that the reader more clearly see the progress of each major product line and tire raw materials which become the flagship product from Indonesia.

The tire industry in Indonesia was also growing rapidly along with the growth of the automotive industry, both cars and motorcycles. Ban became one of the most important components for the vehicle, it can also provide benefits for the players in this industry. 
Driving safety factor becomes important, given the road conditions in Indonesia are still far from ideal conditions. Therefore, every rider will definitely make a replacement when the tires have been unsuitable.

Brands that are a favorite choice for consumers to tire still dominated by brands from overseas manufacturers. Of course this is a challenge for the local tire manufacturers to win the competition. From the results of research conducted to see why consumers make the selection of tire brands, found that for car tires, consumers are more expensive factor of the durability of the tire during use, then the consumer sees an affordable price for the tires and only then will the design of the tire tread interesting,

For the motorcycle itself there are two types of tire, the tire and inner tube. Apparently there are considerable differences in the reasons behind the purchase of tires outside and inside. For tire consumers are more likely concerned with an affordable price of the entire selection of existing brands, only then the consumer would consider the durability of the tire itself as well as the brand that houses the tire.
As for the tires, making tire durability factor in the fast does not leak into the main consideration, they usually know the durability of the tire is the result of the recommendations of the seller / workshop / mechanic directly. Afterwards, then they consider the prices of these products. Differences in consumer behavior patterns are quite unique need the attention of the producers, so as to determine the right strategy to sell any type of product.

National tire
National tire industry later showed a fairly rapid development, along with the growing automotive industry. Although it was hit hard in 2009, but in 2010 gradually improved, even in production and sales increased significantly. Production of car tires, for example, up approximately 28.8% and approximately 43.2% of motorcycle tires. In the same year, sales of tires in the replacement market rose 23.8%, 54.4% OE market, and exports rose 25.4%.
Correlation economic growth can be used as a reference potential of the tire industry the next few years. As an illustration, in 2005 the national tire production rose 16%, while the economic growth reached 7.2%. In 2010, tire production increased by 33.7% when the economy grew 5.8%. Based on the IMF report, in 2011 Indonesia's economic growth rose 6.2% and world automotive production rose 8.9% to 64 million units. Therefore, the productivity of Indonesian tire industry is expected to be higher following the growth of the car industry and the motor inside and outside the country.
Meanwhile, according to Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Tire Companies (ICMA), Aziz Pane, that the increase in tire exports out of the country is still hampered port infrastructure. Aziz expects improvements to port infrastructure particularly related to loading and unloading activities, because the port is used to export and import activities.
The increase in exports of tires receive special attention from the Minister of Industry, which has called for exporters to see where and what the obstacles. In addition the tire industry is also difficult to calculate the cost, because the US dollar fluctuated.
Export ban itself only in the year 2012 and then decreased when compared to previous years which always increase of approximately 4 to 7%. 

Prior to 2012, the value of exports of tires from Indonesia reached 1.2 billion US dollars, but in 2012 declined to US $ 950 million. In addition, the tire export decline is also due to the global crisis and the unrest in Egypt that affect the European market, whereas it was the largest market of approximately 30% of Indonesia's tire exports to enter the country.
Meanwhile, according to data from the Association of Indonesian Tire Companies (ICMA), the sale of the tire industry in 2016 is estimated to reach 38 million to 38.5 million units or stagnant from the previous year, due to slowing economic conditions.
Details, domestic sales predicted to range from 8 million to 8.5 million units, while exports of 30 million units. Market stagnation will last until the third quarter of 2016 and sales are expected to rise in the fourth quarter.
Predicted the end of 2016 the tire industry could move, as long as Indonesia is not affected by the increase in the benchmark rate of the United States (US) or Fed Funds Rate (FFR) to hit the rupiah. This will impact on the downstream industry, since most of the raw materials are imported.
Slowing down of the tire market in 2015 and 2016 was not kidding. Because it can not give a clear picture as to what the situation forward. Many industries are more focused to survive than expand. Therefore, if the performance of the tire industry in 2016 could be like in 2015 alone, it already includes good.
Domestic tire sales decline has occurred since 2013 and, with volume reaching 10 million units. Later in 2014, sales fell to about 9 million units. Whereas in 2011 the tire sales could reach 11.4 million units. Not only the domestic market weakened, but the export market also decreased. And during the period 2011 to 2014, exports of tires ranging from 35 million units to 45 million units.



1.1.          Background

1.2.          Purpose and scope

1.3.          Sources of data and information


2.1.          Rubber

2.1.1.       The development of rubber plantation area in Indonesia

2.1.2.       The development of rubber production in Indonesia

2.1.3.       Indonesia rubber export development

2.1.4.       The development of Indonesian rubber imports

2.1.5.       Map of Indonesian rubber plantation

2.1.6.       Rubber plantation area and production of rubber Indonesia according concession status, 2013-2015

2.1.7.       Indonesian rubber plantation area by status and the state of plant cultivation, 2013-2015

2.1.8.       Rubber plantation area and production, by province and utilization status, 2013-2015

2.1.9.       The development of natural rubber export volume, according to the type of commodity, 2012-2014

2.1.10.     The development of natural rubber export value, according to the type of commodity, 2012-2014

2.1.11.     The development of volume and value of natural rubber exports by country of destination, 2013-2014

2.1.12.     The development of export volumes and values ​​latex, according to the country of destination, 2013-2014

2.1.13.     The volume and value of exports of natural rubber by type of commodity and country of destination, 2013-2014

2.1.14.     The development of synthetic rubber export volume by type of commodity, 2012-2014

2.1.15.     The development of synthetic rubber export value by type of commodity, 2012-2014

2.1.16.     The volume and value of exports of synthetic rubber according to the type of commodity and country of destination, 2013-2014

2.1.17.     The development of natural rubber import volume by type of commodity, 2012-2014

2.1.18.     The volume and value of imports of natural rubber by country of origin, 2013-2014

2.1.19.     The volume and value of imports of latex and SIR by country of origin, 2013-2014

2.1.20.     The volume and value of imports of latex and SIR by country of origin, 2013-2014

2.1.21.     The volume and value of imports of natural rubber by type of commodity and country of origin, 2013-2014

2.1.22.     The volume and value of imports of synthetic rubber according to the type of commodity, 2012-2014

2.1.23.     The volume and value of imports of synthetic rubber according to the type of commodity and country of origin, 2013-2014

2.1.24.     Spacious, production and export of natural rubber ANRPC member countries, 2006-2011

2.2.          The advantages of natural rubber than synthetic rubber


3.1.          Production of tires and rubber

3.1.1.       Stages of tire production

3.1.2.       Manufacture of structures inside (the carcass) and the addition of a rubber strip on the walls and soles

3.1.3.       Molding and curing

3.1.4.       Other Rubber Products

3.2.          How a tire is made?

3.2.1.       Components of a tire

3.2.2.       The tire manufacturing process

3.2.3.       Understand and decode tires

3.3.          The process of making car tires

3.3.1.       The tire manufacturing process


4.1.          The automotive industry in Indonesia

4.1.1.       The structure of the motor vehicle industry    Characteristics of the motor vehicle industry in Indonesia    Sole Agent (ATPM)    Production capacity    In 2011, production began to increase rapidly
4.1.2.       Encourage the development of the automotive industry 
4.1.2. Encourage the development of the automotive industry

4.1.3. The number of motor vehicles by type

4.1.4. Share of the domestic automotive market, exports and imports by category, 2015-2011

4.1.5. Domestic auto production by category, 2015-2011

4.1.6. Automotive sales in Indonesia by brand, 2010-2014
4.1.7. Automotive production in Indonesia by brand, 2010-2014
4.1.8. Automotive sales in Indonesia by province, 2014
4.1.9. Automotive sales in Indonesia according to the principal, 2010-2014
4.1.10.           Automotive production in Indonesia according to the principal, 2010-2014
4.1.11.           Sales by province, 2008-2014
4.1.12.           Roadmap automotive industry
4.1.13.           Map of the automotive industry in ASEAN        Indonesia's automotive industry's competitiveness in ASEAN        Fiscal incentives automotive industry
4.2.     Motorcycle industry
4.2.1. The production capacity boosted big players
4.2.2. Some players new plant investment
4.2.3. Production increased again in 2011
4.2.4. The development of motorcycle production in Indonesia and exports
4.2.5. Honda's largest producer
4.2.6. Sales translucent 6 million units in 2008
4.2.7. Honda still lead
4.2.8. Increase the share of automatic scooters
4.2.9. Competition is getting harder
4.2.10.           Honda adjust the lowest price on a new model motorcycle
4.2.11.           Yamaha stronger image building
4.3.     Heavy equipment industry
4.3.1. Types of heavy equipment
4.3.2. Manufacturers of heavy equipment in Indonesia
4.3.3. Production by type
4.3.4. Investation

5.1.     The scope of industrial rubber and rubber goods
5.2.     Grouping industrial rubber and rubber goods
5.2.1. Group of the upstream industry
5.2.2. Among industry groups (semi-finished)
5.2.3. Downstream industrial group
5.3.     The global trend of industrial rubber and rubber goods
5.3.1. Trends that have occurred
5.3.2. The trend is going to happen
5.3.3. Analysis of the trends that have and will occur
5.4.     Problems faced rubber and rubber goods industry
5.4.1. Natural rubber (on farm)
5.4.2. Rubber products (off farm)
5.5.     The growth of production and export of natural rubber Indonesia

6.1.     Industry Minister expansion to push the tire industry upstream and refined
6.2.     Develop national tire industry, the Minister of Trade to restrict tire imports
6.3.     Tire price war in ASEAN
6.3.1. Seller dizziness
6.4.     Bekasi became the location of the new factory tire Taiwanese Rp4,28 trillion
6.5.     The tire industry is still a mainstay at the global level
6.6.     The investment value in the tire industry reached US $ 2.2 billion
6.7.     PT Gajah Tunggal building new factories, radial tire capacity increased 5-fold
6.7.1. Industry conditions
6.8.     Pirelli factory-prepared Astra production of 1.5 million units of tires
6.9.     Goodyear launches new tire, Assurance Duraplus
6.10.   Yoshikazu Shida, President Director of PT Bridgestone Tire Indonesia: "Indonesia Market Unique"
6.11.   The growth of the automotive industry have a positive impact for the industry component
6.12.   Cheng Sin will build a tire factory in Indonesia
6.13.   Indonesia wake tire factory in Kazakhstan
6.14.   The French tire manufacturer to build a factory worth USD 400 million, make Indonesia a production base
6.15.   Ban pride of the nation present in GIIAS 2015
6.16.   Michelin, the tire industry giants, build factories in Indonesia, local farmers are required to absorb rubber
6.17.   Six of the Goodyear tire manufacturer Gajah Tunggal until proven cartel, fined Rp 25 billion
6.18.   The tire industry should be investing in rubber plantations
6.19.   The government tightened the rules on tire imports
6.20.   Many use imported components, industry players tire pressure
6.21.   Bos Gajah Tunggal value bizarre accusation cartel
6.22.   Saleh Husin confused tire industry accused of cartel
6.23.   Standardization of tires in Indonesia is high, overseas tire manufacturers protest
6.24.   The Commission requested all parties to respect the tire cartel proceedings
6.25.   Indonesia will be the center of the development of the tire industry
6.26.   The tire industry is estimated to compete with the automotive industry
6.27.   Shandong O'Green Tyre Co. Ltd. Group build new plant in Karawang Rp 4.5 trillion
6.28.   Tire production in 2011 fell 9%
6.29.   Sales of tires needs of the plant down
6.30.   13 national tire company production of 50 million units
6.31.   National tire market will grow significantly
6.32.   The Ministry of industry continue to develop the tire industry
6.33.   ICMA upbeat domestic tire sales increased
6.34.   Bridgestone Tire Indonesia pointed latest president director
6.35.   Spare tire industry 55% of Indonesian natural rubber
6.36.   Survey industrial potential for industrial development of aircraft tires in Indonesia
6.37.   The tire industry in 2014 are less enthusiastic
6.38.   Domestic tire sales sluggish, Multistrada flatten strategy
6.39.   The new Cuan diproduk SUV and truck tires
6.40.   PT Gajah Tunggal launches new tires
6.41.   Automotive lethargic, weak tire sales
6.42.   The tire industry is expected to expand into the upstream
6.43.   Indonesia's tire exports hampered by accusations of cartel
6.44.   Starting in July 2015, Pirelli motorcycle tire production in Indonesia
6.45.   Car sales fell 14 percent in the first quarter of 2015
6.46.   Achilles tire production grew 40% - 50%
6.47.   Pirelli tire factory, can produce 7 million tires a year
6.48.   Bridgestone Indonesia viewfinder foreign markets with new products
6.49.   New plant, the capacity of radial tires of Gajah Tunggal rose 5-fold
6.50.   Multistrada added tire production capacity
6.51.   Goodyear launched its newest tire, Assurance Duraplus
6.52.   Export of tires from Indonesia increased rapidly
6.53.   China's influence on the world rubber and tire industry
6.54.   Mastered Bridgestone tires 35% market share in the homeland
6.55.   Multistrada prepare US $ 30 million to add machines
6.56.   Mitsubishi's new factory in Bekasi able to absorb 2,800 workers
6.57.   Multistrada's tire production 24 hours a day produce 41,000 units
6.58.   Automobile production capacity in Indonesia reached 2 million units per year
6.59.   Maxxis tire manufacturers to build a tire factory in Cikarang
6.60.   Resistant Bridgestone tire price increase
6.61.   Amenities factory PT Gajah Tunggal Tbk.
6.62.   PT Sumi Rubber Indonesia continues to be committed to maintain the quality of its products "DUNLOP" in Indonesia
6.63.   Industry performance tires and inner tubes
6.65.   Industry performance two-wheeled motorcycle and three
6.67.   Performance artificial rubber industry
6.69.   Export performance of the tire industry, 2012-2015
6.70.   Import performance tire retreading industry, 2012-2015
6.71.   Industry import performance tires and inner tubes, 2012-2015
6.72.   The export performance of industrial tires and inner tubes, 2012-2015
6.73.   Indonesian tire retread industry performance according to ISIC
6.74.   Thirty-largest export destination for Indonesian industrial products, 2012-2015
6.75.   Monitoring of exports of 31 groups of industrial products Indonesia, 2012-2015
6.75.1.           Exports to the United States
6.75.2.           Export to the People's Republic of China
6.75.3.           Exports to Japan
6.75.4.           Exports to Singapore
6.75.5.           Exports to India
6.75.6.           Exports to Malaysia
6.75.7.           Exports to Thailand
6.75.8.           Exports to South Korea
6.75.9.           Exports to the Netherlands
6.75.10.         Exports to Australia
6.75.11.         Exports to the Philippines
6.75.12.         Export to Germany
6.75.13.         Exports to Vietnam
6.75.14.         Exports to Vietnam
6.75.15.         Exports to Saudi Arabia
6.75.16.         Exports to the United Arab Emirates
6.75.17.         Exports to Pakistan
6.75.18.         Exports to Italy
6.75.19.         Exports to Hong Kong
6.75.20.         Exports to the UK
6.75.21.         Exports to Spain
6.75.22.         Exports to Bangladesh
6.75.23.         Exports to Brazil
6.75.24.         Exports to Egypt
6.75.25.         Exports to Turkey
6.75.26.         Exports to Switzerland
6.75.27.         Exports to Belgium
6.75.28.         Exports to France
6.75.29.         Exports to the Russian Federation
6.75.30.         Exports to Mexico
6.76.   Monitoring exports of rubber processing industry results, 2012-2015
6.77.   Monitoring exports of rubber processing industry results by country, 2012-2015
6.78.   Industry Performance Indonesia according to the Standard Industrial Classification of Indonesia, in 2013
6.79.   The development of exports of rubber and rubber products processed Indonesia, 2012-2015
6.80.   Developments in the form of crumb rubber exports by main destination country
6.81.   GAPKINDO thrust absorption regulation of natural rubber
6.82.   Rubber warehouse receipts to be difficult to implement
6.83.   East Kalimantan need a rubber processing factory
6.84.   Indonesia offer CPO-rubber investment in Japan
6.85.   Wheel vehicle tire production capacity of 4 and 2
6.86.   The development of exports of tires 4-wheel vehicles &  2
6.87.   The development of tire imports 4-wheel vehicles and 2
6.88.   The development needs of the domestic tire
6.89.   Development of the outer tire and inner tube (indicator: The number of units, the value of production, total employment)
6.90.   Performance 4-wheel vehicle tire industry and 2 (Production, export, import and demand), 2011-2015
6.91.   Production performance, replacement, original equipment, and marketing of car tires
6.92.   Performance tire industry value 4-wheel vehicles and 2 (Production, export, import and demand), 2011-2015

7.1.     Government policy
7.1.1. Policy in the field of import
7.1.2. Policy in the field of export
7.2.     Government to protect and develop the national effort in order to compete
7.3.     The role of the public supports the government program
7.4.     Feedback
8.1.     National Standardization Agency (BSN)
8.2.     National Standardization Institution
8.3.     BSN authority
8.4.     About SNI
8.5.     All tires shall fulfill SNI
8.6.     SNI cables and tire rules published
8.7.     List SNI tires that have been enacted mandatory

9.1.     Macroeconomic and investment needs
9.1.1. The latest development of the national economy
9.1.2. Goals and estimating the size of the macro economy in 2016
9.1.3. Investment needs and financing sources
9.1.4. The risk of economic slowdown
9.1.5. Anticipation slowing job creation and poverty reduction
9.2.     Key factors driving economic progress
9.2.1. Investation
9.2.2. Export
9.2.3. Strengthening the capacity of the country's fiscal
9.2.4. Financial services
9.2.5. Increasing the efficiency of the labor market
9.2.6. Increasing the role of state-owned enterprises as agents of development

10.1.   Market share by key players
10.2.   Trend request
10.3.   Global market share
10.4.   Raw material composition of tires

11.1.   Motorcycle tires
11.2.   Car tires

12.1.   Rubber prices in Thailand
12.2.   The price of rubber in Malaysia
12.3.   Rubber prices in Indonesia

13.1.   Exports by commodities
13.1.1.           Exports of passenger car tires (HS Code 4.0111 billion), 2011-2015
13.1.2.           Export ban which has been mounted on the rim (passenger car tires) - HS Code 8708702200-8708702900, 2012-2015
13.1.3.           Exports of truck and bus tires (HS Code 4.011201 billion), 2011-2015
13.1.4.           Export ban which has been mounted on rims (tires for trucks and buses) - HS Code 8708702200-8708702900, 2012-2015
13.1.5.           Exports of light truck tires (HS Code 4.0111 billion), 2011-2015
13.1.6.           Export ban which has been mounted on the rim (light truck tires) HS Code 8708702200-8708702900, 2012-2015
13.1.7.           Exports of motorcycle tires (HS Code 4.0114 billion), 2011-2015
13.1.8.           Export ban which has been mounted on the rim (for motorcycle tires), HS Code 8708702200-8708702900, 2012-2015
13.2.   Imports by commodities
13.2.1.           Imports of passenger car tires (HS Code 4.0111 billion), 2011-2015
13.2.2.           Import ban that has been mounted on the rim (passenger car tires) - HS Code 8708702200-8708702900, 2012-2015
13.2.3.           Imports of tires for trucks and buses (HS Code 4.011201 billion), 2011-2015
13.2.4.           Import ban that has been mounted on rims (tires for trucks and buses), HS Code 8708702200-8708702900, 2012-2015
13.2.5.           Light truck tire imports (HS Code 4.0111 billion), 2011-2015
13.2.6.           Import ban that has been mounted on the rim (light truck tires) - HS Code 8708702200-8708702900, 2012-2015
13.2.7.           Motorcycle tire imports (HS Code 4.0114 billion), 2011-2015
13.2.8.           Import ban that has been mounted on the rim (for motorcycle tires) HS Code 8708702200-8708702900, 2012-2015

14.1.   Conclusion
14.2.   Suggestion



Examples of company profiles (tire manufacturer) 

1.    PT. Gajah Tunggal, Tbk.

A d d r e s s                   :  Head Office

                                            Wisma Hayam Wuruk 10th Floor

                                            Jl. Hayam Wuruk 8, Jakarta 10120


                                            Telp           : +62.21.3805916 – 20
                                            Fax             : +62.21.3804908
                                            E-mail        :
                                            Site             :
                                            Plant 1
                                            Komplek Industri Gajah Tunggal
                                            Jl. Gajah Tunggal, Desa Pasir Jaya
                                            Kecamatan Jati Uwung, Tangerang
                                            Telp           : +62.21.5901309
                                            Fax             : +62.21.5901283
                                            Plant 2
                                            Desa Mangunrejo, Bojonegara
                                            Serang, Banten
                                            Telp           : +62.254.5750931
                                            Fax             : +62.254.5750929

Date of Establishment   :   a. 24 August 1951 as NV Perusahaan
                                                Pabrik Karet HOK THAY HIN
                                            b. 2 May 1961 as PT Gadjah Tunggal
                                            c. 24 Sept 1996 as PT Gajah Tungggal Tbk
Legal Status                   : PT Tbk. (Limited Liability & Public
                                            Listed Company
C a t e g o r y                : National Private and Domestic Investment
                                            (PMDN) Company
P e r m i t s                     :  The Capital Investment Coordinating Board
                                            – No. 41/A/SP.01b/BKPM/XII/1976,
                                               Dated 7 December 1976
                                            – No. 45/II/PMDN/1981, 4 August 1981
                                            – No. 18/II/PMDN/1987, 16 Feb. 1987
                                            – No. 180/II/PMDN/1991, 18 Sept. 1991
                                            – No. 14/II/PMDN/1994, 12 Jan. 1994
                                            – No. 84/T/INDUSTRI/1994, 9 Feb.1994
                                            – No. 60/II/PMDN/1997, 7 April 1997
                                            – No. 69/II/PMDN/2004, 3 Nov. 2004
                                            – No. 42/II/PMDN/2005, 23 May 2005
                                            – No. 48/III/PMDN/2007, 8 May 2007
                                            – No. 54/III/PMDN/2007, 31 May 2007
Lines of Business         :  a. Tire, nylon tire cord & rubber
                                                products industry
                                            b. Investment holding
Production Capacity   : 
a. Bicycle tires & tubes                    –   6,784,000 pairs p.a.
b. Motorcycle & scooter tires         – 10,500,000 pairs p.a.
c. Car tire & tubes                            –   4,900,000 pairs p.a.
d. Radial tires                                    –   8,700,000 pairs p.a.
Expansion Unit
a. Automotive tires                           –   2,330,000 pcs p.a.
b. Motorcycle/scoter tires               –      400,000 pcs p.a.
c. Motorcycle/scooter tubes           –   6,000,000 pcs p.a.

Expansion Unit (2004)

a. Nylon tire cord                              –        40,000 tons p.a.

b. Belt cord                                         –              600 tons p.a.

c. Styrene butadiene rubber          –        80,000 tons p.a.

Expansion Unit (2005)

a. Car tire                                           –   6,631,000 pcs p.a.
b. Motorcycle tires                            – 26,882,960 pcs p.a.
c. Motorcycle tubes                          – 35,317,960 pcs p.a.
Market                            : Export & Domestic
Capitalization               : 
a. Authorized Capital    - Rp. 6,000,000,000,000
b. Issued Capital            - Rp. 1,584,000,000,000
c. Paid Up Capital          - Rp. 1,584,000,000,000
Shareholder (s)            : 
a. Compagnie Financiere Michelin Denham PTE Limited
b. Global Union Fiber Investment Limited
c. Lightspeed Resources Limited
d. The Publics
Total Investment          : 
a. Equity Capital             – Rp.    474.0 billion
b. Reinvestment Profit – Rp.      26.0 billion
c. Loan Capital                – Rp.    573.4 billion
Total Investment             – Rp. 1,073.4 billion
Expansion (2004)
a. Equity Capital             – Rp. ——-
b. Loan Capital                – Rp. 1,828.9 billion
Total Investment             – Rp. 1,828.9 billion
Expansion (2005)
a. Equity Capital             – Rp. ——-
b. Loan Capital                – Rp. 2,456 billion
Total Investment             – Rp. 2,456 billion
Total Asset (2006)       :  Rp. 7,276,025 million
B a n k e r (s)                 :  a. PT Bank MANDIRI Tbk.
                                            b. PT Bank Negara Indonesia Tbk.
Started Operation       : 1953
Total Employees         : 14,657 persons
Associated Companies     : Member of The Gajah Tunggal Group

R E M A R K S :
The Company owns and operates the largest integrated tire manufacturing facility in Indonesia. The Company was established in 1951 as bicycle tire manufacturer and over the years, expanded its production capacity and diversified initially into the manufacture of motorcycle tires and tubes and eventually into the manufacture of passenger and commercial vehicle tires.

The Company started producing motorcycle tires in 1973 and began manufacturing bias tires for passenger and commercial vehicles in 1981. In 1993, the Company started producing and selling radial tires for passenger cars and light trucks. In 2010, the Company initiated the development of TBR tire production capability.

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