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Thursday, July 2, 2009


Commercial Global Data Research

IS YOUR CONSULTANT :: COMMERCIAL GLOBAL DATA RESEARCH IS AN INDEPENDENT BUSINESS CONSULTANT PROVIDING SERVICES IN THE FIELDS RELATED TO BUSINESS - CONSULTANTS in this information economy (economic information consultant), is one of the professions that are currently booming in the current era of economic growth such as at this time. Professional consultants quite popular among the graduates and MBA (fresh graduated) because of one or a few things. For example: the salary and remuneration package is good, for the opportunity to travel all over the world, and prestige / prestis top of the profession itself. So no need to wonder if the label is often misused or used to trap a graduate / MBA seeking a job. Our Commercial GlobalData Research, is a Business Information Consultant institution that covers all types of products, information such as manufacturing, banking, mining, insurance, trade, and others. Serving the information we summarized through observation, field survey, primary data from the Department of Trade and Industry (DEPPERIN), the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), and institutions associated with the product information we provide. Happy reading!. One of the unique character of this profession is so that competitiveness and intense meeting. If you get an MBA from Stanford or Harvard, have tens of years of work experience, with a network of relationships and so knowledgeable, you can not necessarily "used" so consultants. Position for this position is also very limited in number. However, when you have to get the position, you will have the opportunity to interact with knowledgeable managers top company multi-national. You will be the opportunity to travel from one end of the world to the other end of the world. The more fun again, you will "work" with business issues such as the latest high-level strategy, integration, Alliances, and so on. Meaning Consultant Consulting services, in terms of business, is to give advice to the client with a number of rewards a certain fee. Their clients are companies that need advice and skill of the consultant on the problems they are facing. Client companies usually require expertise and perspective that is owned by Outsider consultant.


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