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Thursday, July 2, 2009


Commercial Global Data Research

IS YOUR CONSULTANT :: COMMERCIAL GLOBAL DATA RESEARCH IS AN INDEPENDENT BUSINESS CONSULTANT PROVIDING SERVICES IN THE FIELDS RELATED TO BUSINESS - CONSULTANTS in this information economy (economic information consultant), is one of the professions that are currently booming in the current era of economic growth such as at this time. Professional consultants quite popular among the graduates and MBA (fresh graduated) because of one or a few things. For example: the salary and remuneration package is good, for the opportunity to travel all over the world, and prestige / prestis top of the profession itself. So no need to wonder if the label is often misused or used to trap a graduate / MBA seeking a job. Our Commercial GlobalData Research, is a Business Information Consultant institution that covers all types of products, information such as manufacturing, banking, mining, insurance, trade, and others. Serving the information we summarized through observation, field survey, primary data from the Department of Trade and Industry (DEPPERIN), the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS), Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), and institutions associated with the product information we provide. Happy reading!. One of the unique character of this profession is so that competitiveness and intense meeting. If you get an MBA from Stanford or Harvard, have tens of years of work experience, with a network of relationships and so knowledgeable, you can not necessarily "used" so consultants. Position for this position is also very limited in number. However, when you have to get the position, you will have the opportunity to interact with knowledgeable managers top company multi-national. You will be the opportunity to travel from one end of the world to the other end of the world. The more fun again, you will "work" with business issues such as the latest high-level strategy, integration, Alliances, and so on. Meaning Consultant Consulting services, in terms of business, is to give advice to the client with a number of rewards a certain fee. Their clients are companies that need advice and skill of the consultant on the problems they are facing. Client companies usually require expertise and perspective that is owned by Outsider consultant.

Sunday, June 28, 2009


Commercial Global Data Research, or CDR for short, is an independent business consultant providing services in the fields related to business. CDR is quite willing to provide services required in the present business situation where competition is very tight.
The positive points of studies, that CDR usually writes, focus on the complete data and accurate analysis in the forms of:
a. Multi-client Business Research Reports
b. Market Research and Feasibility Studies
c. Others.
CDR was established at the end of June 2009. The establishment was inspired by the fact that there have been domestic and overseas strong requests of information on various fields from businessmen and businessmen-to-be. In general, they need accurate, sharp, comprehensive, and reliable information on the present condition and the prospect of business in Indonesia. No matter what the present condition is, Indonesia certainly has a good future. Being supported by experienced and professional staff in research of different fields, CDR will be able to provide accurate, sharp, comprehensive, and reliable study results, to meet both the multi-client or single-client needs.
In conducting the studies, CDR always accommodates the wishes of the business actors who generally want to have comprehensive reports on the burning issues of business in Indonesia. The hot business topics such as the Garment & Textile studies, paint studies, and aviation have been completed. Right now, CDR is in the process of completing studies which have been warmly discussed.
To face the globalization era, the businessmen are indeed required to improve their competition power. Appropriate information is the key factor to win the competition and an important factor in modern business. It is relatively easier for the businessmen to set up appropriate strategies in running the business when they have quick, accurate, and comprehensive information at hand. As a possible business partner, CDR is able and willing to provide the required information in anticipation of the business opportunities and challenges in Indonesia.
Jl. Suryakencana I RT. 5/6 Sukamanah Cisaat Sukabumi West Java - Indonesia
Phone: +62 (0266) 9296038 Fax: +62 (0266) 241346
Email :




Bangunan akan tampak lebih bersih, nyaman, dan indah bila dicat. Biasanya pemilik bangunan akan memilih warna yang disesuaikan dengan kebutuhan dan selera mereka. Tapi tahukah Anda, ternyata cat mulai digunakan pada zaman manusia gua untuk menggambar suatu obyek atau keadaan?
Pada zaman manusia gua, bahan-bahan berwarna sudah ada di sekeliling dinding batu. Mereka menggambar suatu obyek atau keadaan di sekitarnya. Mereka mencampur arang, kapur, warna tanah, air, dan warna-warna yang dihasilkan alam untuk mewarnai dinding gua. Hasil campuran tersebut seperti semen. Kemudian mereka menggambar apa yang mereka inginkan di dinding gua, meski hasilnya tidak tahan lama.
Kemudian, penggunaan cat mulai mulai digunakan oleh orang Mesir dan orang timur. Para seniman mendekorasi sisi piramid, patung, ornamen dengan warna natural. Bahan pasir, soda, dan tembaga dibakar untuk menghasilkan warna biru. Sedangkan tulang dan sisa pembakaran sampah digunakan untuk menghasilkan warna hitam.

Pada masa raja mesir, Fir'aun, warna sepuhan emas tampak lebih dominan karena warna emas dianggap dapat melambangkan kekayaan. Cat juga berkembang di China, Jepang, dan Amerika. Mereka menggunakan minyak rami untuk mengembangkan pigmen dan untuk merekatkan bahan. Cat pun sudah digunakan untuk memperindah permukaan tembok suatu bangunan.
Penggunaan cat pun semakin berkembang. Pada abad ke 15 ditemukan cat minyak kental oleh Leo Battista Alberta. Kemudian pada abad ke 19, industri cat makin pesat pertumbuhannya. Perkembangan industri cat maju pesat ketika industri cat menjadi bagian dari industri kimia yang menghasilkan cat siap pakai. Kini, apa yang diawali oleh manusia gua, telah berkembang menjadi industri yang sangat besar di mana-mana. Bahkan, tanpa cat, rumah serasa kurang lengkap.

1.1. Sejarah Cat
Menengok pada sejarah kemasyarakatan zaman dahulu kala.Manusia gua menggunakan bahan-bahan berwarna yang ditemukan di alam untuk menggambar keadaan saat itu di seputar dinding batu. Saat itu tujuan cat sebagai alat untuk menggambarkan dan mendifinisikan obyek dan keadaan.
Campuran pada saat itu terdiri dari arang,kapur dan warna tanah dan warna-warna yang dihasilkan alam.Mereka mencampurnkannya dengan air, perekat dari pohon dan hewan dan adukan dari batu yang dapat dilunakan sebagai semen, untuk merekatkan warna.Tentu saja hal tersebut tidak terlalu rumit,tetapi dapat tahan lama,sehingga kita masih dapat mengamati coretan yang pernah dibuat sejak 600 tahu lalu.
Penggunaan pertama dari pengecatan sebelumnya seperti yang kita tahu,yang dikatakan untuk menghias dan memperindah, adalah oleh orang mesir dan orang timur tengah.Seniman mendekorasi sisi dalam dari pyramid,ornamen dan patung-patung.Pada umumnya pigment yang dipakai adalah natural,sepeerti garam tembbaga,oker dan vermilion(merah terang),untuk menghasilkan biru, orang Mesir membakar pasir,soda dan tembaga.Warna hitam dibuat dari tulang dan sisa pembakaran sampah.
Raja mesir fir’aun juga menyukai suka sekali dengan sepuhan emas,yang pada masa itu lebih banya digunakan dan melambangkan kekayaan.
Lalu orang China, Jepang dan Amerika mengembangkan pigmen dan bahan perekat, Minyak rami mentah diantaranya.Selanjutnya muncul natural pigment,minyak sayuran,resin dari pohon dsb. Masa itu orang yang pandai mengecat mendapat julukan seniman>Mereka menyiapkan cat sendiri dari pigmen-pigmen dan bahan perekat.Satu hal yang wajar masa itu bila artis cat mengecat dengan tangan dan memperindah seluruh permukaan tembok dalam rumah.
Cat minyak muncul pada abad 15,pada awalnya Leo Battista Alberta menggunakan cat minyak yang kental dan dapat diencerkan dengan turpentine.Dan tidak terlalu lama digunakan juga diseluruh Eropa.Mereka telah menemukan tipe cat yang revolusioner. Pada saat itu di jajahan Amerika Serikat cat menjadi simbul kemewahan.Hanya warga kaya yang berhak mencat rumah mereka. Dan para artis cat terlebut menjadi titik awal evolusi cat dimana dari pengalaman mereka ragam warna dikembangkan.
Warna pertama yang digiling muncul di Eropa selama abad ke 17. Pada abad 19, industri cat dan pernis bukan lagi bersifat seni.Industri cat sudah menjadi bagian dari industri kimia.Dengan kemajuan tersebut pabrik cat sudah dapat membuat cat yang siap pakai.
Pada abad 20 kita sudah dapat menyaksikan perkembangan yang luar biasa.Pengetahuan kimia telah menunjukan pada kita bahan-bahan lain dan proses lain seperti pemasakan minyak dengan resin alam,penemuat resin sintetis/resin buatan yang mana acrylic termasuk didalamnya.
Saat ini,dipasar yang berorientasi pada pelanggan dan lingkungan, BETONEL secara terus menerus meneliti dan mencari untuk pengembangan.Dalam melindingi lingkungan, BETONEL telah memodifikasi formula tanpa menggunakan Timbal (Lead) dan Mekuri (air raksa) dan telah memperbaiki cat syntetis.Kita sekarang sudah dapat menawarkan cat latex (waterbase) yang memenuhi kriteria lingkungan.
Masa depan menjanjikan kepada kita penemuan lain yang berhubungan dengan cat.Penelitian dan kerja yang berkelanjutan dengan tujuan mengembangkan produk yang ada dan mencari produk baru dengan tingkat polusi rendah untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pelanggan


The type of Marketing Research service that we could offer in general are divided into three category, i.e. Industrial Research, Consumer Research and Feasibility Studies.
a. Industrial Research
Industrial Research is a type of research or survey specializing in analyzing the Supply and Demand aspect nationally. Analyzing supply is an analysis to learned the distribution of companies that is as the subject of research, whether in operation, stopped operating, as well as new company or services equipped with production development and the location for operation. Otherwise, the raw material aspect is also an important discourse from this Industrial Research business. Therefore, with a trade product distribution channel or services that will become the subject of the research, whether of the import product as well as export, which at the end shall be employ to learned about the market volume and its consumption development.
Industrial Research outline covering such aspect as;
Industry Profile
Company Profile (location, status, type of product, capacity and the production, etc.)
Source of raw material (from import, Local, etc.)
Production Development
Market Supply
Export and import
Marketing Distribution Channel (local, foreign, etc.)
Market Demand
Market Segmentation
Demand Consumption
Prospect and Opportunity Business
b. Consumer Research
In completing customer demand, we also offer Consumer Research service in Quantitative Research that will describe or analyze such aspects like UAI (Usage, Attitude, and Image), Customer Satisfaction Survey, Syndication & Omnibus Survey, Census Survey, and other Consumer Research.
c. Feasibility Study
The research and survey research that we offer also covers Feasibility Studies (FS) or feasibility study of a business to be implemented. In general, this feasibility study implemented to learned the feasibility of a particular business field ranging from its business scale or economical concern, return on investment, the market general outlook and its prospect in the future.


Commercial Global Data Reserch
Multi Client Studies
Single Client Study
Advertising Services

We are an institution Consulting, Survey, Research and Data Reporting in research data in the field of global, presents a variety of business information that includes the actual manufacturing industry sector, mining, banking, insurance, and services to serve other research. Products of our company is a Multi-Client Study, Single Client Study, Market Feasibility, and others service.

We present you as a partner consultant, to provide current information that you need to determine policy directions and develop your company. One of the products that we offer the book to you is the "Study Analysis & Market Conditions Prospects Textile and Garment Industry equipped Directory company profile in Indonesia" Year 2009 Issue.

We offer these books to you at Rp. 5.500.000, to assist the business in the Garment and Textile Industry, as the map strength among your competitors and partners, learning and development of the Export Import garment and textile products of Indonesia, to know company that do export are significant, to know the production capacity of each garment and textile companies, knowing the order of the director and commissioner, and other information you need to know (the Company's attached examples). How big your company's contribution in improving the production capacity to meet orders from the buyer both locally and internationally, find every opportunity available, and is expected to have this book, your company become more productive, efficient, more forward in a healthy and competitive.